My New Warty:)



He's pretty much full grown right now. They get about 4 inches. I've only had him 5 days and so far he won't touch anything frozen. He's eating glass shrimp and I have a couple of damsels in quarantine right now that will be future meals. I also have a red painted frog that is only 2 1/2 inches long and eats anything I put on a feeding stick. They both have their own tanks.....
WOW.. I have NEVER heard or SEEn one of those.. I am trying to figure out where its other eye is and its mouth..LOL
Please post some info on him and more pics if you have them, I would LOVE to see them and learn more about him.. COOL FISH!


LOL, Kim:) They are a pretty weird fish.......they look like they come from outerspace! They are suitable for a species only tank as they eat their tankmates! Even a fish longer than they are is fair game.....a virtual eating machine. They do well in a relatively small tank (10 to 20 gallon) as they are not very active swimmers. They usually just perch somewhere and wait for some kind of meal to come into striking distance. They have a built in fishing pole on the top of their head complete with lure. They lower it in front of their mouths to get a potential meal into their strike zone. They are one of my favorite fish.......Here's another pic. Hope you can make out his mouth and eyes.....he's looking straight at you:)
WOW.. Totally awesome looking fish and LOVE the decription.. Did you get him at a LFS? I have NEVER seen one! Maybe because they are good for a species only tank, you dont see them in the LFS often..
I see his face now.. very handsome.... Do you have a PIC of his tank, meaning a tank "shot" I'd love to see how you have his home set up.. I am fascinated with that fish...LOLOL:D :eek: :eek:
Thanks for the pic .... Enjoy him...


Here's pic of Lumpy's 6 gallon Eclipse and Dudley's (red painted frogfish) 20gallon long. Lumpy is behind the yellow/orange fan you can just see his head a little. Dudley is the small red blob in the left back corner of his tank........Lumpy will be moving to a 10 gallon I just got for him yesterday. Scott Michael keeps one in a small tank on his desk (I've heard), but somehow the 6 seems a bit small. The 10 should be just right. Dudley is only 2 1/2 inches long right now and looks lost in his 20L but after he reaches maturity it should be about right:)

melissa v.

That is probably the wierdest fish i have ever seen, looks like a shell you would find on the beach.
but very nice pic
Melissa V.