My new web site with a few fun extras!


Hi everyone - just thought I would let everyone know that I finished my personal site - "The White Reef" - It features pics of my tank as well as downloadable desktops, games and links. Take a look and let me know what you think.
<a href="" target="_blank"></a>


Flamehawk - I knew I might get a few of those questions. Since I really do not have much in the tank they get along great. I think since they all have room to move around without getting in each others way. Actually - much of the time they are swimming together.


Really nice....
Now my Grandson and I can play the Memory Game when he comes over...(I must confess, I did already..tee hee)
~Sue ;)


cwhite: How long have you had the cup/scroll coral. I want to get one. What conditions do you have it in? Light/Flow


Active Member
cwhite-I also have three tangs in a 125 ...yellow, sohal and hippo. They do fine together. Also have emperor, heniochus, flame and 2 hawks in the tank. All have been great for 3 years. Have 3 in. sandbed and 110lbs of L/R along w/ some mushrooms and critters. Powered by fluval 403, berlin turbo skimmer and UV as well as 2 powerheads. All water parameters are great. One day I'll get a digital camera and learn to post pictures so you and others could see. Also have 3 other 55 s/w tanks and 1 f/w tank. These are 55's. Can't forget my two painted turtles which are also in a 55. One of them is 6 1/2 years old and about 8 inches. All in all a true mini-aquatic world which is enjoyed by all visitors not to mention my kids and I.
See ya!


Flamehawk - I am really interested in the sohal - I think they are so cool. I actually ordered one and let them sale it before I could get it in my tank - I guess I had second thoughts - I had heard that that go pretty aggressive.


Active Member
cwhite- Sohjal's do get a bit aggressive as they gat older. Mine is about 7 inched now and is second in the pecking order behind the emperor who is still king.


Q - I have had the cup/scroll coral for about 3 months. It is really hard to tell much about these things. I had the same questions you did, so I played it safe - pretty much in the middle of the tank with fairly low water flow. This one had been stung before I bought it and had a real bad brown area - it seems to be getting better