my new wish list


Well-Known Member
In my opinion that is too risky.

That is a situation where tank transfer is a best option because it is proactive and is a much shorter time frame. You can take a bowl of sand from your DT and put it in the tank with the fish you just need to change the sand with each transfer. People do this with wrasses too. Because there are no meds the sand can go back after adequate decontamination or just get tossed. My diamond sand sifting goby eats regular fish food just fine and if you can get one that is already eating prepared food it isn't much of a problem. I use hikari sinking pellets that fall on the sand and he snarfs them up. He'll even take frozen from the water column.
It is a gamble either way but I think no QT is a bigger risk. One fish dying because he won't eat or the whole tank wiped out because he brought in a parasite. Tank transfer only deals with ich but I think that is the most common issue. You should be able to see if the fish has velvet during the transfers. Same with uronema. Obviously you'd need a different QT plan for if those show up.


Active Member
I agree I think risking a whole tank instead of just one fish is to big a gamble...I called the place where I am ordering from and asked them this question and they said it really shouldn't be an issue because there sifters are eating frozen food before they are shipped out to the customer...


Well-Known Member
That's a perfect situation. I like to buy my fish from places that have extensive protocols for proactively treating and making sure the fish have acclimated to captive life and are eating well. I just have fewer issues.


Well-Known Member
My golden sleeper headed goby eats anything not nailed down, even sea weed!. That isn't always the case tho. Finding one eating prepared is ideal tho. Just like Getting draggonets to eat frozen, not totally necessary but makes life easier


Active Member
yeah my brothers golden is exactly the same lol...

and yeah I like trying to support my LFS but its really hard to beat a 14 day no questions asked replacement if your fish dies...not to mention they are already supposedly adapted to processed foods...considering my LFS says once its out of the store "good luck" lol...especially if I am buying a fish worth some money I tend to just order it online for the warranty


Well-Known Member
Warranties are nice, but I still prefer to see what I'am buying. When I'am actually fish shopping I'll check lfs weekly. Just to monitor fish I have my eye on. My most recent fish a niger trigger, was checked on for a month then I finally bought it lol.


Active Member
Aren't you a little scared using the whole bleach routine to clean your QT tanks or do u just rinse the heck out of them...makes me nervous using bleach lol


Well-Known Member
Not worried. The bleach evaporates fast so I rinse thoroughly then air drying does the trick. I also add a bit of prime to the tanks just in case and to protect form an ammonia build up.


Well-Known Member
It does kill everything and that is the point when cleaning a QT. I don't trust vinegar to kill everything.


Well-Known Member
Yes after each transfer. I have several tanks I use for this. Everything gets sterilized before it gets used again.