my new wrasse


yep its my second try. the first one freaked out and wacked his head into the glass and that was it!!!


very beautiful fish!
Scott Micheal gave a good speach on wrasses at the MMC 2006 yesterday..


Active Member
I've been wanting to get a carpenter but in my 75 I have a six line wrasse and in my 55 I have a royal gramma and I don't know if I can mix it with those.


Active Member
I'm also worried about having one shipped. IDK how hardy they are and I have one lfs that carries saltwater (45 mins away) and they don't get carpenters. I order almost everything online.


talk to the person at your lfs and see if they can order it for you.. that way if it comes in dead, there is no head-ache for u.. they will have to re-order it!


carpentors are reef safe
They are shy for about a month, they will become cofident and will be the most active fish in the tank.
usinkit- thats a beautiful male


im not sure if it is the same for this species, but they can turn female on ya..
put a mirror on the side of the tank every once in a while so that is less likely to happen.
like once a week for a couple of hours.. if u do it all the time, it will just ignore the mirror.


Active Member
Originally Posted by FYI
talk to the person at your lfs and see if they can order it for you.. that way if it comes in dead, there is no head-ache for u.. they will have to re-order it!
No such luck here....if it comes in dead, I still have to pay for it! How's THAT for customer service? :mad:


Active Member
I forgot to add, maybe I will check back in with you in a month or so and see how it's doing. I really want to get one.