my new zebra eel


I got a new baby zebra eel he is about 4in long right now, im starting him off in a 20, and yes I will eventually upgrade him, but i need to know what to feed him, ive tried ghost shrimp and squid cubes and he dont seem to want them, what else could he eat? anyone?


New Member
Mine's a little larger,(30"+) but when I first got him, he would only eat frozen krill. I have since moved him onto vitamin enriched raw shrimp.


Active Member
i sure as hell hope u got a bigger tank, but yes lets see pics
and maybe i could come over some time to see it if ur in NH


Active Member
try some crab meat the pound containers of claw meat are usually the cheapest mine ate them the second or third day i got him


i payed $25 dollars for him at a LFS and I actually finally got him to eat. He did finally grab some of the squid i was putting in there, last night befor i settled down on my couch i fed my tank and he came right out and started munching.


Active Member
hmm, odd, $25 for a zebra eel,r u sure its a zebra? most eels will be larger than that even. glad hes eating, just dont overfeed him. btw where did u get him? lebeanon or claremont pet? or did u get him somewhere else?


Active Member
ok, good. btw its jon, id be happy to know ur acquaintance. whats a cost? sry to seem nosy but i always love it when new hampshirities get on the board


Originally Posted by wanabebell
im surprised your zebra ate squid mine really really dosnt like squid.
try a ghost shrimp and see what happens
Look at the first post, he already tried ghost shrimp.
Any pics yet sharkeater?


Active Member
my eels liked, shrimp from the groccery store, clams/oysters, silversides, and small damsels...much to my moms suprise