My newest arrival

nm reef

Active Member
They are sweet....but require a sustainable food source in most cases. I finally added a green one to my reef......


no it was water spots on the tank i've since cleaned those off so i'm getting a little clearer shots


they need live rock to pick at
some say they'll eat live brine and mine
eats the frozen shrimp and pellet's
but main stapple is lots of live rock


Active Member

Originally posted by justphong
special food you guys feed them?

Used to feed mine live brine, he'd pick pods off the LR, but I also fed him Kent ZooPlex
, it's a suspension of whole bio-engineered marine zooplankton. I have a huge jug of it in the basement, I wonder how long it lasts, b/c I havent used it in a couple years. Not sure if you could sustain a Mandarin on only ZooPlex though, you'd still want a large tank with LR.