My next fish?


I am trying to decide on my next fish. I have looked at the compatibility charts, and I think I have a pretty good idea of what will live peacefully in my already agressive tank.
The current inhabitants are:
Niger Trigger 2.5"
HummaHumma Trigger 2"
Velvet Damsel 2"
Red Volitan Lion 3"
I would love some input on which fish you guys have had the best experiences with.
Side question: I've heard Collaris Butterflys are the heartiest of the Bfly fish. Is this true?...I love the way they look, but I know Bflys can be real tough to keep.
what are the fish that you are interested in... if i were you i would get a somewhat peaceful eel...but thats just me, i love eels. but be careful not to overload your tank, it seems pretty close to full as it is.


Active Member
Have you had any problems with the humu and the volitan? They will often times take a bite of their streamers, but not always. I'd skip a buttefly, even the hardiest could be bothered by the water or aggression of the humu. A blueline, bluedot, or miniatus grouper would look nice, as would an eel of some sort. Do some research and find something you like, and get back to us. Bo


Thanks for the input.
I was thinking about a grouper. A minatus or a panther. I notice nobody mentioned the panther. Any reason?
The eels are a little creepy to me, and I dont think I have the rock configurations that an eel needs to hide in.


Active Member
Panthers are cool, but get too large for your tank and grow like weeds. Oftentimes, their colors fade/mudden in adulthood as well. Bo


I knew they grew fast , but I had never heard about the colors. Good to know.
Will a larger (4") tang fair well in my tank....I know they are not considered agressive, but they seem too large to fit in anyone's mouth. I see no direct compatibility problem on any of the charts, and I have TONS of swimming room.


Active Member
A large tang would be a good addition. Help with keeping the algea down in the tank. At some point your cleanup crew will start to become lunch for the triggers anyway. I have a sailfin with my aggressive group. Also a vote to one of the coris wrasses.
Good Luck in your choice!
I agree that a tang, wrasse or grouper would look sweet in your tank. Just be sure to keep a close eye on how the triggers act towards your new fish and keep the triggers fed b/c I had a miniata grouper that was about 8 inches and my trigger picked the hell out of it.