My Nitrates are insane!!! Help


Originally Posted by imfsub12
is your test kit expired????

Wow! Thanks everyone! that IS a lot of usefull info.
I did another water change.
nitrates, nitrites and ammonia are all still the same.
but at least some of the other stuff is getting better.
I will have to wait until tommorrow to do anything else. My joke of a lfs is out of salt as well as I am.
My tang is gone, My snowflake is trying but I am figuring will be gone by the morning as well.
My blue damsel and hermit crabs seem to be doing the best, not that it is very comforting.
The last water change before yesterday was done about a week ago(10%). last major one was done two weeks before that 50-60%
Brand new test kit. it is the dip strips if that might possiably have an impact.
My newest question now is, - At another lfs about 2 hours away, they have salt of course(big chain store) but they also have this stuff called sea water. It is sold in boxed jugs, i think 5 gals each, it is suppose to right on the money with its ph, specific gravity, etc.
For the amount I plan on needing it could be a little expensive but if it would help a dummy like me, it's worth it to me!

Does anyone know about this stuff? Heard of it? Used it?
Please let me know.
Sorry I left out so much info before. I was a little frazzeled.
Oh, also, I am a she.


Active Member
dip strips are garbage humidity in the air can spoil the tests before yoe ever use the strip.
nutri sea water will do in a pinch. Its too expensive to use all the time and you get the salinity they give you unless you want to let it sit around and evaporate.


Tank is stabilized a little, I think. lol
My nitrates are still high are more controlable. They are reading around 80 right now.
I got some of the Amquelplus to take them down. It says that I can't do more than one dose in a 24 hour period so it is a slow process.
All the fish seem to be A LOT happier, and breathing much better.
This may be bad but it is working for me at the moment- I have heard that airstones in saltwater is a huge no, no. But when Geridoc explained what the nitrates do I decided to try one. (At that point I didn't really have much more to lose.) It cleared up my semi-cloudy tank, and within about 1 1/2 hours everyone was moving around again like everything was normal!
Was this good or am I setting myself up for more heartache?
What is the reasoning behind no air stones in salt?
I do not intend to keep the stone in there, just until everything is back to normal without chemicals. (Amquel+, says on the bottle that it depletes oxygen levels)
Thanks in advance everyone.
And thanks for your support through my crash!


Could there be a problem with oxygenation? If an airstone helped things out, maybe there wasn't sufficient oxygen? This is just one theory, but oxygen saturation is very important, and tangs are especially sensitive to this--didn't you say the tang died? Oxygen is also a key factor to the nitrogen cycle, isn't it? What kind of water flow do you have? Somebody pipe up if I'm wrong, here.