My Orange Spotted AKA Harlequin Filefish :-)


Originally Posted by runn3rb3an
That's great to hear how your fish is doing so nicely! Have you spoken to the lfs where you got it about more?
Yeah, the last two batches didn't make it past a week, but they were from a different supplier. He's going to wait a few months and try to get back to the original supplier for more.
Aqua Hut had a really nice Flame Tail (Orange Fan Tail) that was beautiful last night. I wanted to start a whole new tank just for that fish, so my husband dragged me out of the store.


I'll try to get some pics up by the end of the week. The filefish is doing REALLY well. Much healthier, not quite as fat as I want it to be, but looks a lot better than when it first came home.


I lost this thread and it took me forever to find it again. Darn this new site!
Finally got some pics, pardon the aiptasia garden I seem to be growing in this tank, it's out of control all thanks for one I can't reach inside the FireShrimp's cave. He brushes against it all the time and it releases little babies all over the place.

Water is a little dirty, was moving some stuff around so things got shaken up, but I wanted to get some pics of the filefish up.
She eats like a pig!

I'll have to get my husband to take some pics later. I have to do a water change tonight so that'll get the muck out of the water that I stirred up today.