My personal favorite fish ever.


Active Member
You dont know how tempted I have been latley to try a small H tusk in my mini reef.
Somewhere around the 1.5 - 2 inch range I would gladley pay for the coral for him to munch on but I always remind myself ofhow larger trusk can pick up HUGE rocks and trash a tank looking for inverts.
What do you think? Think a tiny Tusk would be OK if I used only very large pieces of Live rock and glue all corals?


Active Member
probably for a time then one day you come home and he has put a 15lb rock through the front of the aquarium....
I would attempt it in a large acryllic tank but rocks shifting and glass tanks scare me.


Active Member
Originally Posted by ReefForBrains
The wha? I looked pretty good but I dont see any fish in the pic???
Am I overlooking it?
Yeah it's real hard to see. Look down just a little but not all the way down.


Active Member
Originally Posted by earlybird
I like the Cubera Snapper right now. Looks yummy doesn't it?

i see three snappers but no fish?


Originally Posted by earlybird
I like the Cubera Snapper right now. Looks yummy doesn't it?

i like the snapper in that pic too.


Active Member
i can't seem to get a good pic of it but i really like the starry blenny. As for a fish that is in my tank i would have to say my Potter angel. Known to my girlfriend as Harry Potter.
