my pics of clown tang and others


its 150 gallon tank. I have a flagfin angel as well that i could not get. all fish are healthy and eat almost anything. all the fish are over 2 yrs old beside the butterfly he was purchased in oct, and the clown tang in Dec. There is over a 100 lbs of live rock and about 25 lbs of lace rock.
I will try to get a picture of the flag fin angel as well.


He was half that size when i brought him, he is growing like crazy. He is agressive every now and then. But the other fish are bigger then him so its not bad. I would say he is the 2nd most aggresive in the fish next to the koran. The koran can be just down right nasty to new tank mates. Im not adding anymore fish. But when i tried to add fish the koran did not make things easy for the clown tang. But then the clown tang did not make things easy for my flag fin. But all the fish have been established for a while now. they are all doing great. What other fish do you have in the tank. My clown tang would not eat at first. after like 3 days he pecked at a piece of frozen brine. so i went over right away and got live brine. Now he eats almost anything i put it in the tank as well as the flag fin. i will try to get some pics of him this wkend/


Very nice fish those are awsome. I wish angels were reef safe I think they are the most beautiful fish of all.
I have a powder blue tang, passer angel, juv imperator angel and tomato clown. I recently (3 weeks) moved them from my 100 g to my new 420 gal:jumping: so I am looking at numerous new additions. I would love to get a clown tang. Homefully given the room, my PB won't be too hard on the newbie.