My plans for my DIY sump


Active Member
I started with a 20 gallon tank. I measured the ******** dimensions of the tank and cut the plexiglass accordingly. I also cut strips of plexiglass 1/2" wide and as long as the height of the baffles. I used silicone to adhere these strips to the inside of the tank. They are to help support the baffles. Wherever a baffle is glued(siliconed) to the wall of the tank, I glued a plexiglass strip. I also glued two strips to support the sponge which is between the 2 left baffles. My water flows from right to left. The far left baffle has two large holes in it to allow the water to flow through the sponge and not over the baffle. Here is how it all works, please excuse my crude drawing. I'm not that proficient with Paint. The water splashes down into the first chamber which is on the far right. It flows over the first(red) baffle and then continues inder the second(purple) baffle. This baffle does not go down to the bottom of the sump. It is held about 2 inches from the bottom. The brown section can either be eggcrate or a piece of plexiglass with many holes drilled in it. It is supported between the purple and green baffles. This section is used to support a filter sponge. You will need to buy one according to the width of your sump. The purple and green baffles are only spaced wide enough to hold the sponge snugly. Anyway, the water flows under the purple baffle, through the sponge and then finally through the green baffle. The green baffle has two large holes cut into it, large enough to let water pass through but small enough to prevent the sponge from passing. The water is then pumped out of the last chamber and back into the tank. I hope I explained this in a way for you to understand.


yeah thanks,
I am on my second sump, my 3rd will be one I make my own w/ at least 5 baffles to keep the bubble out, I AM SICK OF BUBBLES