my plywood tank build thread


Originally Posted by reefkprZ
my girlfriend looked at it says put it in the yard put a pump in it and throw a goldfish or koi in it. (honestly she wants to know it if thats the bottom or side your showing.) I'm semi lost why would you use masonry paint on wood? why would you use textured masonry paint on wood? why wouldnt you just use marine resin?
actually the photo is from above the box. the darker blue you see is the drylock and where its lighter is the water inside. The box in the last picture is only about a 20 gallon tank made from some scrap pieces i had laying around. If shes talking about the first pictures its also from above, so its the bottom, back and sides (72" x 48"). The idea of using drylock came from phixers having me google the 1122.08 gallon project. The guy who built the tank there used drylock and its held for a year now.
any other questions please ask. We are all learning as it goes along.
p.s. no leak yet as of this morning


Active Member
Well I never did make it to the Birch aquarium this past weekend with everything else going on.
How is it holding so far?
How will you be installing your window?
Did you ever see this one?
After a lot of planning I think Im going to go with this style of window frame.
I ran the design by one of the structural guys at work. We are discussing window sealing ideas now. Trying to avoid the blown head gasket syndrome with the sealant.


well its been 4 days and not a drop has leaked out (i marked the water level so i would know).
I need to start working on my stand so when I need to fill the tank i can have something for it to sit on. I dont think my saw horses would work :scared:


you know when I was up in maine for my sisters wedding we went and got live lobster well the person we went to had plywood tanks set up to hold the lobsters and I knew he made it out of fiberglass cause i asked but i never asked if he did anything else i really should have im kicking myself for it now if i can find their number il call and ask specifics but they where just boxes no windows or anything.


well after painting the tank with drylock i decided to go with fiberglass :thinking: west systems with 6oz fiberglass cloth and will cover that with sweetwater epoxy paint. After fiberglassing the 2 sides I can tell you that you should fiberglass then assemble
. I believe it would make it alot easier.

F.Y.I. My small sample tank is still holding water with no leaks (drylock)


Active Member
I think fiberglass is a smart decision. When you top coat it with the epoxy paint you may want to ask how resistant it is to UV light. Some epoxies become brittle under UV light and check relatively easy.
Looks like your making some decent progress.


its coming along. I just couldn't make up my mind on what i wanted to line, coat, it with. The fiberglassing will probably be a little time consuming
. I will need to get working on my stand soon so I can get the tank put in place. This will mean cutting a hole in the wall, reframing, moving electrical wiring. Slow proccess but I am enjoying doing it


Active Member
Made it to the Birch Aquarium today. As usual though whenever I start asking technical questions I get some moron who gives me the dead fish look . The tanks there are made of concrete and had a loose fitting light blue acrylic liner around the inside probably because the concrete wasnt colored. It was very difficult to see how the windows were mounted because of the inset design placing the window about 8 inches back. I did finally manage to speak to someone who thought they were framed in place and sealed in with rubber around the perimeter to prevent the side pressure from pushing the gasket out. I will be emailing a one of their more knowledgeable staff members with some drawings and hopefully will be able to get some insight on how the public aquariums install the windows.


keep us updated phixer. Today i moved alot of electric wiring and started building the header and frame for my tank (in the wall section). i have 1 layer of fiberglass on now and need to add 2 more layers. Slow but fun work


Any ideas on how the humidity of the tank might affect the wood for the framing? Or are you going to treat it? If you wouldn't mind, could you post a cost break down, to date? Thanks


Originally Posted by mfp1016
Any ideas on how the humidity of the tank might affect the wood for the framing? Or are you going to treat it? If you wouldn't mind, could you post a cost break down, to date? Thanks
for humidity I painted all the wood with Kilz primer, its used in bathrooms because of the humidity.
The project was pretty cheap up until I decided to go with fiberglass. I believe the plywood was $20 per sheet, 4 sheets. The 2*4's I get from work free
. The fiberglass was: West system epoxy $88.99, Hardener $35.99, pump for their system (very user friendly) $11.99 and fiberglass cloth (6oz) $126 , this should get me 3 layers.
still will need bulkheads, pump, glass to turn tank (90 gal) into sump, lights (2 48inch flor. ,shop style), glass for front viewing panel ($52), silicone, plumbing for the bulkheads and returns. Still need to figure out a way to make a cover.
I'm sure theres something i'm missing :notsure:
I did buy drylok to experimate with but I did not include it in the costs.
Any questions please ask


Active Member
looking good so with everyone else, I will be following this thread!!
ps, how's the weather, LOL (just moved from Wisconsin 2 months ago)


Originally Posted by whyamisofl
looking good so with everyone else, I will be following this thread!!
ps, how's the weather, LOL (just moved from Wisconsin 2 months ago)
Its only 10 below now, thank god its warming up :scared: of course the wind chill brings it down to 30 below


Originally Posted by cubsfan
Its only 10 below now, thank god its warming up :scared: of course the wind chill brings it down to 30 below



wow its been a week since my last post. sorry been busy with work, 72 hours last week
. not much time to work on the tank, but here is what i have done so far.
All electrical was rerouted, hole in wall was framed in, started on the stand (should be done soon), 2 layers of fiberglass on the tank. need to get glass ordered, order bulkheads, order pump (mag 24), buy a heavy duty dehumidifier.
Will a regular bulkhead size fit with the 3/4 inch plywood? worried about the thickness of plywood compared to glass.
hope to have more updates soon


Originally Posted by cubsfan
wow its been a week since my last post. sorry been busy with work, 72 hours last week
. not much time to work on the tank, but here is what i have done so far.
All electrical was rerouted, hole in wall was framed in, started on the stand (should be done soon), 2 layers of fiberglass on the tank. need to get glass ordered, order bulkheads, order pump (mag 24), buy a heavy duty dehumidifier.
Will a regular bulkhead size fit with the 3/4 inch plywood? worried about the thickness of plywood compared to glass.
hope to have more updates soon
yeesh barely enough time for sleep.....


well tank has 3 layers of fiberglass on it. Will order glass tomorrow. Thinking I will go full length top to bottom and side to side with the glass, minus a little for silicone. I will still have the plywood brace all around the glass. Stand is done and coated in kilz primer. bulkheads have arrived (2- 1"). Just need to find a deal on a mag 24 pump and then hook up plumbing. Hopeing to have it water tested and cycling by the end of the month, before I go on vacation to Mrytle beach
plus we're stopping in Milw. for the brewers vs. Cubs game on the way back home
. o.k. picture time:
