my polups die?


New Member
hi ive a 30 gal reef tank i have no trouble with green hairy mushrooms,watermelon mushrooms,leather coral,candy cains,featherduster,and rock ann. but i cant get polups to survive ive had my water tested weekly, what am i doing wrong ty


New Member
lights are 250k hal.with 130 comp,its a standard 30 gal30"x12"x18",stock other than listed in first post are as follows, 20 snails, 10-20 blue leges crabs,10-20 red legged crabs, sally light foot, red striped shrimp,4 emerald crabs, 2 damsel fish,and 10 of those snails with snorkel,srry i admit my noobness but im tring hard to learn from u all ty for help


Hi and welcome,
Critters like different things that make them grow.
Your tank has certain things in it that lets some corals do fine, but polyps don't. The problem I have found is that if I tweak the water to satisfy one type of critter, the ones that were doing good take a nose dive.
There are so many wonderful things to place in the tank. If Polyps don't do well in your tank, just stock the kind of corals that do.
Also I have some advice. I am not the grammar, or spell police, but... My spell check won't work on this site, I can't fix the thing, so I keep Microsoft word running in the back ground, and before I post, I copy paste my response or question and spell check it that way, then paste the correct version back on the reply window. It takes only a few seconds.
I am dyslexic and I don't like being made fun of for my spelling or writing a word like, t-h-e to look like h-t-e. Also it helps others to understand what I am talking about.


Active Member
i hv to disagree with the above. thats completely not true in regards to some water can support some corals and not others. zoas r fairly easy to keep, and they hv the same requirements as the corals he/she already has. to get back to the original question, did ur zoas open up after u purchase them? how long did it remain in the tank b4 it started dying? ur light is certainly enough assuming u placed the zoas near the middle to bottom. placing it too high can shock or melt the zoas.


Active Member
Originally Posted by BENDER
lights are 250k hal.with 130 comp,its a standard 30 gal30"x12"x18",stock other than listed in first post are as follows, 20 snails, 10-20 blue leges crabs,10-20 red legged crabs, sally light foot, red striped shrimp,4 emerald crabs, 2 damsel fish,and 10 of those snails with snorkel,srry i admit my noobness but im tring hard to learn from u all ty for help
If you post a pic and your actual water numbers it might be easier for us to help you out. Also I am a little worried about you having problems with all those hermits. Also the sally light foot and 4 emeralds may start having some territory issues. Personally I had too many problems with my hermits. I now only have 2 in my 120. I would say that 5 though should be sufficiant for your tank. Also your water change schedule and where the zoas were at, a 250 may be pretty hot for them in a 30g if they were close to the top.