Originally Posted by ryanhayes9
maybe there sensitive to your "quik cure"
Seth, about the Quick cure you added to your tank. Did you read the bottle? It says right to the left of the name that the active ingredients are Formalin and Malechite green. It also says not to use it on live rock or inverts and that it may effect your biological filtration. You should NEVER add any med into the display tank. This is going to cause so many problems in your system. For starters the Formalin and Malechite is absorbed by your silicone, rock, and substrate so it is going to be in there for awhile. Do you notice blue staining on your silicone? Thats the malechite. You should realy keep checking your ammonia because you are likely to have a spike, not just from the things on your rock and your mushroom dieing, but from the disruption of the biological filtration as well. Please don't take any of this as rude, I just thought you should know.