My polyps wont open!!!!!!!! Are they Dead???



I bought them at a frag auction at the ORCA meeting, adn that was on Sat. they havent opned once, IDK if they are dead, or what...... buut they have this hairy like material on some of them, idk if this is hair algua, most likely it is, but does anybody kow if they are dead, or why they arent opneing, i also bought other corals, they are doing just fine...???


Active Member
hmm not sure
but seth i wanted to tell you that the stick looking coral you have in your tank( its an acropora) will 110% NOT SURVIVE with the lights you currently have on your tank and because you are not supplementing your tank.


Active Member
Originally Posted by ryanhayes9
hmm not sure
but seth i wanted to tell you that the stick looking coral you have in your tank( its an acropora) will 110% NOT SURVIVE with the lights you currently have on your tank and because you are not supplementing your tank.
you get that?????
btw whats mono?


Originally Posted by ryanhayes9
maybe there sensitive to your "quik cure"
Seth, about the Quick cure you added to your tank. Did you read the bottle? It says right to the left of the name that the active ingredients are Formalin and Malechite green. It also says not to use it on live rock or inverts and that it may effect your biological filtration. You should NEVER add any med into the display tank. This is going to cause so many problems in your system. For starters the Formalin and Malechite is absorbed by your silicone, rock, and substrate so it is going to be in there for awhile. Do you notice blue staining on your silicone? Thats the malechite. You should realy keep checking your ammonia because you are likely to have a spike, not just from the things on your rock and your mushroom dieing, but from the disruption of the biological filtration as well. Please don't take any of this as rude, I just thought you should know.


i agree with sep. dont add things to your tank until you are 110% they are reef safe. anyway to answer your ? GSP normally takes a couple of days in my experiance to open up, but when they do, they grow like wildfire. One more thing. I saw in a different pic that you had an acropora in your tank. Unless your tank is extremely established, has the correct lighting (T5 or MH), and proper nutrients (CAL,ALK), sell it to someone fast. good luck with your GSP.


The Quick-Cure was very stupid and i will pay for it in the end....... But i cant reverse my idiotic move... and i hope the polyps will open, otherwise... i was screwed outta that too....