My poor Damsel


after i was paraniod last night, my Javanese damsel finally livened up after i was tidying up the inside of the tank... and seemed ok this morning.. he ate well.. i am regreting using a cycling fish instead of live rock.. I REALLY FEEL FOR MY DAMSEL.. couple of questions...
would i use uncured liverock to cycle the tank..?
how horrible would the odor be? and how can that be avoided..?
I WOULD LOVE TO HEAR EVERONES OPINION ON WHAT FISH I SHOULD ADD WHEN MY CYCLE IS OVER AND MY TANK IS STABLE... remember i only have a 20 gal tank i was thinking a goby.. and maybe 2 clowns..?
feedback please
thanks Brian


Active Member
With my tank this is what I did. I put in 80% live rock and a few "stinky" pieces. My tank cycled in a week, and I didn't use fish. I wouldn't have used a fish


Whats wrong with using fish? Did he die? Did he complain? Its ok to eat fish, because they dont have any feelings........But, IMO. :happyfish


Active Member
eh, i dont think using a fish to cycle is a good idea ... but not becuz of humane reasons.... cuz its a waste of money really.... im really not too worried about them honestly.... i take care of mine and such, but i dont like the people who act like its a terrible thing to like ... put more fish that 'recommended' in a certain tank or 'those two fish wont do well together' or 'those damsels wont last long with that shark' (ok, i had to add something funny) but u get my point.