my progress in a 25 gal


hi everyone!
this is a thread about the progress in my 25 gal tank which was set up on May 21 '04. started out with only 12 lb of LR and 30 lb of LS., Eheim2213 clessic canister filter and PC lights [130 watt all together]. later added 25 more LB of LR and a CPR BAKPAK protein skimmer [cant say im too happy with it]. 2 PHs are the most recent addition to my tank. as for the inhabitants, thy are as follows:
10 blue hermits [9 left]
10 scarlet hermits [4 left]
10 astrea snails
1 mexican turbo snail
3 sand sifting crabs [my anemone just spit up the last one :-(]
that was my cleaner crew
Attempted a cleaner shrimp twice, both times diyed 2 min into being put in my tank [still dont know why].
3 polyps of florida richordea [all 3 are fine, but 2 bright yellow ones i think have been dyed before ,they look white now]
about 20 yellow polyps [all doing fine, hope to see some growth soon]
9 mottled shrooms [already 11 and 3 have migrated to the other side of the tank]
3"-4" GSP [no change yet]
1 pink tip haitian anemone [finaly has settled on the bottom of the tank and fell in love with the rock thats hosting my shrooms. eats fine and looks a little bigger than was be4]
1 sm. piece of Colt Coral [ had major problems with attaching it to the rock, tried a toothpick, gluing, both at the same time, than just left it in no flow area, didnt help so now using somewhat tight rubber bands, seems to be helping. it still doesnt look too happy but it began extending its things]
1 sm. piece of Blue Finger Leather -- newest addition to my tank [turned more brown but doubled in size in 6 hours of being in the tank, maybe bad water at LFS, but was really tiny -- now huge]
so far thats all i have to say. if i manage i will try to post some pics to show the history of my tank.
thanks for reading such a long post,
hope this will be usuful for someone


still dont have the pics of the colt and the finger leather, but i hope they will be here soon. check back for updates...


Active Member
The tank looks really good for only being two months old! It seems you're moving along fairly quickly, which could cause problems with your water quality in the near future; especially with the tank being 25 gallons. Just monitor your water quality closely, and be prepared to take action when something seems out of the ordinary (read: water changes), and you'll be on your way to a nice, stable reef.
I've also had the same experience with hermit crab populations in my cleanup crews. The red-legs always seem to disappear, and coincidentally, the murderous blue-legs don't have a problem moving into their shells.
With the cleaner shrimp you've attempted to add, how long were you acclimating them for? I've found these shrimp to be extremely hardy once they've been acclimated, and I always drip acclimate them for two hours before placing them in the display tank.


i drip acclimated them for a little bit more than 2 hours, but they and they seemed fine in the bucket [moving ans all] but died right away once i put them on the rock in the tank. anemone was a mistake to buy [AQ is to young] but cant do anything about it now. thought of getting 2 false percs but i think i should wait at least another month for that. otherwise i just get some frags for a good bargain from my LFS, but no other drastic changes. the only problem i have is i cant get my Ca to go up. I add reef complete everyday and still Ca level is the same[375].
have 1 stupid question...when i spill out the green stuff fromthe skimmer cup, do i wash it under the tap water or i just put it back unwashed?
thanks. Any comment is welcomed.


That's a great looking tank--I wish someday when I learn more and become more comfortable I can set up a 25 gal =D...
It's beyond me how everyone sets up their rocks so well... I guess I'm just too simplistic--I never really thought of "making" my own formation by combining other rocks lol...even if I did it wouldn't look nearly as uniform.
This is off topic but I didn't want to start a new topic for it--one of my porous rocks...(when I try to grab it, a lot of the sediment breaks off and falls to the ground--so it's quite brittle as well. It's growing the purple algae from one of my Fiji rocks (which is a good sign that water conditions are good?) - it's also growing this purple leaf...what is that? Is that good? Thanks!


i've noticed the brittleness wih my florida fijji rock too. as to the leaf i dont realy know but i assume its some sort of algae [ i had a few leaves growing, but they fell off cuz of the current] i dont think its anything to be alarmed about


Active Member
annaymous...your tank is off to a good start. please keep us updated
rbaby....yes the purple algae(corraline) is a good sign. It means you have good calcium level. I dont know what purple "leaf" you are talking about. Could you please be more specific and maybe show us a pic?


one short dumb question....
when is the best timne time to do all the testing to get the most accurate results. i did mine all the time in the evening and my pH was always 8.0, but later i heard thats its lower in the morning and at night, so i dint have to worry about it. any advice on that?


going well also a beginner so you did well. wish I did that well. first tank (at advice of *****, I am not going to tell you what happened) before I found this sight. I am trying to talk my parents into getting me a new tank