my progress in a 25 gal


thanks firefish. im glad i found this site before i bought anything except the lights [would have gotten MH otherwise]. well actuiay this site pushed me into this hobby. i looked at the photos of everybody's tanks and i wantd to have one of my own. :happyfish


can someone pleaes tell me how much light i need on a 25 gal tank to keep an anemone. i have 130 PC watts, i know its not enough and im trying to add something to it so it can survive, but im not sure how much to add. any help is appreceiated.:notsure:


i have upgraded to MH, so now i have a 175 watt 14,000K pendant and 65 watt true actinic PC. my anemone doesnt seem to be doing much better under this lighting either. he keeps hiding under the rocks and hasnt shown any increase in sixe since i put up MH which was about a week ago.
i have also added frowgspawn and leather toadstool lus 2 aquacultured ocelaris clownfish.
i didnt QT them cuz i thought they were 1st fish so they should be fine right away, but the next day noticed some ich on both of them [highky susspect that it came from LFS, not from my tank] i have just added Melafix to the tank, but the ich seemed to have dissapearedthis morning, 3 days after it came. im not really its possible, but im gonna finish the 1 week treatment of malafix and then as a preventative i will soak all my fish food in garlic.
i still do not have a QT, but im planning to set one up next week. it will also take time to cycle it, so if anyone has any ideas of how to speed up the cycle i would very much apprircate to hear from them.
oh and i forgot to mention the addition of orange zo's with silver/neon yellow centers. and a very small frag of Xenia that my LFS gave m free and told me to come and tell them howlong it lasted in my tank [they really doubt it will live much longer]. well, we'll see about that.
the frogspawn has 3 heads but it doubled in size under my lighting compared to how big it was in LFS. they had it under 400 watt PC in a 40 gal breeder.


That is a very nice looking tank. I would slow down a bit adding other fish or corals in the tank until it matures enough to hold the load. IMO
To set a QT the easy way is to get LS and a few pieces if LR to speed up the cycle process. Good Luck.


I really like your tank!
I have a 26 gal that i'm working towards turning into a reef and but i'm hung up on the right lighting to go with?
I want to have softies, LPS, and hopefully an anemone.
Good luck with the tank!


i always thought that only fish added bio-load in the tank, and not the corals. i mean what kind of bio load would they add?
am i wrong. can anyone explain. btw my toadstool looks a bit lump and doesn't want to look like cup. instead it just becomes very rounded outwards like a 1/2 a ball.but when i turn the lights off t night it lets the tentacles out and becomes more like a cup. is it normal behavior?
another question, do fish sleep? i have moon lights on my tank, and i often look at it at night just to see my fish swimming. its a different kind of swimming though. they swim sort of like in one place, not all over the tank like they do during the day. so i was wondering when do they sleep, if theyconstantly move around. maybe somethjing is wrong n my tank. maybe my PH
s are to powerfull for them. they are very little fishes. barely an inch each, and very young.

a short

I don't know much about corals but they are alive and will increase your bioload, just not as much as a fish.
Yes fish sleep and my clowns do the same thing. some fish will actually lay on the bottom of the tank. My freshwater fish go so comatose after lights out they get sucked onto the filter strainer and stay there till aroused!
You need to reaserch more about ick so if it is what you have you will not be posting an emergancy thread when it comes back, and it will. Melafix is a antibacterial remidy and will do nothing to kill ick, it is a parasite. Worked great on my freshwater angels with extreamly bad fin rot that 2 other meds didn't touch.
Your anemone looks bleached, I know mine is also, alot worse than yours thou. You need to be feeding your anemone 3x week since it has lost all its color. I have a thread in reefs called "bleached anemone RX" and it has some good info on this subject.
Hope this was some help. I also agree, slowwww down and let system stabilize and mature it would be a shame to have your system crash and loose all that cool stuff.

a short

Also about that red leaf question, does it look like this? I am fixin to post this pic in reefs for ID under "ID algae please"

a short

I just realized I was posting on an old thread I was doing some research in!

For what its worth hope it helps somebody since its at the top now!


Active Member
wered you get 12 pounds live rock i cant fiind a place that will sell it in small amounts like that

a short

go to a local fish store they sell it by the pound. I have bought 1/2 lb before because it was a cool unusual peice.


i was told this some kind of xenia or anthia or smthin like that. i still have to find that out. also 2 yellow polyps r on the picture too.


thjis is myleather. it took it a whole week to be like that. but unfortunately for me it went back to being flat and mushroom like again for the past week and a 1/2 i havehad it.


these are my precious orange/neon center zoo's. the orangerims r not very well visible cuz they actinic and this is under MH. but they are gorgeous!


lastly. this is a coral i have no clue of. i bought it for $30 at my LFS. im trying to find out its name. suggestions r welcomed.