My proposed cleanup crew.. how does this look?


thanks ill take a look at those fish, i already have the 2 damsels they were a birthday present, they are getting along great,
i got them for a birthday present, so i obviously couldnt say no :)...
i was gonna do some corals and was told not to do gobys cuz of this, any truth to that?


Originally Posted by FishyGurl
i wouldnt get the blue hippo tang they are open water swimmers and swim alot all day.. also they get around 12 inches, so unless you want to keep trading them in every couple months which a lot of the time doesnt happen i wouldnt do it..
i also would not get the mandarin unless you have a lot of money along with a big refugium to house the pods..
i also wouldnt get the damsels..
Here are some fish that i think you could get:
2 clowns
1 blackcap basslet or royal gramma
1 yellow eyed kole tang (may be able to keep even when full grown since they arnt open water swimmers)
1 yellow wrasse, flame wrasse, sixline wrasse, or a fairy wrasse
2 bangaii cardinals
1 jawfish (if your sand is 3+ inches deep) or 1 shrimp/goby pair
1 firefish
1 clown goby
1 lawnmower blenny or bicolor blenny
do you like any of these?
how could the tangs get to be 12 inches long when the saltwaterfish website says 1-3 inches and a 40gallon is big enough? how could they be that far off?


Originally Posted by aixenv
how could the tangs get to be 12 inches long when the saltwaterfish website says 1-3 inches and a 40gallon is big enough? how could they be that far off?
1-3 is the shipping size - 12 is the size at maturity
40 gallons is the minimum size tank. It may be ok for a tang that is 1-3 inches but as he gets bigger he will outgrow a 40 gal tank and as stated somewhere above most tangs are open water swimmers and need lots of room to swim hth


wow really? that's totally misleading, i figured that was maximum size ever... wow.. thanks for the clarification.


well as of now my tank has
1 hermit crab of unknown origin/type he has hairy legs
1 cleaner shrimp
1 fire shrimp
1 clownfish, 2 damsels(yellowtail and 4 striped) <== my fish get along great, no fighting or anything, i totally love the clownfish they are so adventurous/brave/curious, he'll swim up at feeding time really close to me and will follow my finger on the outside hehe
1 purple lobster (who hides under the rocks ALL the time, only seen his claws like twice in like 2 wks heh
i feel the desire to get some more inverts to churn/stir up my sand a little more , suggestions?
I'm going to get some shells too for my crab, he's pretty big and I'm not sure if he might be already outgrowing his current shell. I figured I'd buy the x50 shells and toss in about 5 shells or so that look big enough for him.
I decided my thoughts earlier was way too crowded, i could see having maybe 1 more shrimp, 1 or 2 crabs, and some snails(maybe 3-5) if that.
recomendations/advice appreciated.