This is my 20L that has been up for about 6 months. To me I think it's perfect except I worry about the carpet anenome moving a round sometimes. I am open to a lot of opinions about him. Should I leave him in there for a while or trade him for a coral or two?
This is what's in the tank:
Bubble Tip Aneneme
Carpet Anenome
Pineapple coral
Green Brain Coral
6 blue leg hermets
4 red leg hirmets
2 Brittle starfish
about 20 snails
2 Emerald Crabs
Pigmy angel fish
Lawnmower Blennie
This is what's in the tank:
Bubble Tip Aneneme
Carpet Anenome
Pineapple coral
Green Brain Coral
6 blue leg hermets
4 red leg hirmets
2 Brittle starfish
about 20 snails
2 Emerald Crabs
Pigmy angel fish
Lawnmower Blennie