My Puffer is depressed/sick?


New Member
My pork puffer has been unhappy for a while. He has been "pouting" in the corner for over a month, and not eating. He will come out a swim every once and a while though. I dont know what else to do. I have tried vitamins, live food, frozen food, garlic. tonight I qt him. He is in a 150 gallon tank w/ a trigger-they both are about a year. and no one picks on each other. I dont see any signs of disease--please help....I love my little guy


Staff member
What are you feeding him? Has he been eating? Have you removed him from the water just before he started to become larthagic? How are his teeth? Have you fed him hard shell foods to keep his teeth sized down?
How is the fish's color? Has he inflated?


New Member
His color is good, no change. He puffed tonight when I put him in the other tank, looked fine. Before he STOPPED eating, he was given the marine cuisine-w/ squid, clams, etc. Krill, mussels-frozen couple times a month, and live ghost shrimp. He wont eat anything now. Cant really see his teeth, he's not bloated-but not skinny either. His breathing is fine. I originally thought he was going through a growth spurt-he's stopped eating before for about 2 weeks when he grew.... ? :notsure:


Staff member

Originally posted by freebyrd
His color is good, no change. He puffed tonight when I put him in the other tank, looked fine.

Did you remove him from the water? You can not allow a pufferfish to be removed from the water. Transfers need to occur in tank. Pufferfish who puff air instead of water due to stress will die.