My Puffer is Sick! Help!!


New Member
I have a porcupine puffer that quit eatin almost 2 weeks now. I talked to a local pet store and the guy I spoke with said to put garlic extreme in my tank and get some snails for him to eat so he can grind his teeth down that they are too big. what kind of snails do I buy?? It's almost like my puffer "harry" teeth have outgrown his mouth and he has lock jaw... Any help to save my fishy.. I'd be forever grateful!!
Any help greatly appreciated!!


Staff member
If he won't eat, then he's not going to eat snails. Are his teeth too big? How long have you had this fish? And what have you been feeding him?


New Member
Yes his teeth are too big..what should I do?
This tank was my brothers and he always fed him krill and some flakes..once in awhile a goldfish.. My brother passed away this past September and I'm still learning to care for his aquarium... everything has been great up until now.


Staff member
I'm going to move your thread over to the aggressive forum. Some people file the teeth, but since I have never had a puffer, I'll redirect you over to the other forum.


New Member
I left today to go to a pet store to see if anyone there could help me and before I made it home he had died...
I will miss him so much..
But I will also be leaving this group as I'm switching this tank to freshwater now..
Thank-you all for the help you've given me now and in the past.