My Puffer Puffed!!


I have a Porcupine puffer (avatar). Who is usually VERY happy in my tank is about 3-4in big and does and is doing VERY well. My lights came on today (actinics) and must of scared the hell out of the little guy cause I have NEVER seen him come close to puffing out and today he was a full blown spikey baseball!!! Obviously I dont want him to puff ever cause he's scared and/or stressed, but is there anything to worry about with this? Thanks!


Hmmm you know what I just put a galaxea coral frag in my tank the other day and the puffer was near I wonder if the coral stung my puffer? Should I be worried about this coral or do you think the puffer has learned its lesson? If not can a galaxeas sting to a fish be deadly?? Thanks!


Active Member
i have an idea, scare him ONE more time...
just ONE more time and have a camera ready and take a pic.. then show us


Active Member
dont worry he would have eventually puffed. as for the coral, if it did get him and it hurt he wont touch it again. as far as it being fatal are there any signs that there is anything worng? if not dont worry about it


do your lights go from off to on w/ no in between light? if so maybe get a few white LEDS to come on before main tank light comes on?


Active Member
Originally Posted by mopar9012
i have an idea, scare him ONE more time...
just ONE more time and have a camera ready and take a pic.. then show us

the few times that mine have done it, it only lasts so long. it kinda puffs up then as it hits its biggest point starts to deflate. never been able to get the camera to take a pic.