My purple tang (dory) is sick!!!!


please help i was told that they are very sensative fiash and now he is swimming slowly and has little white spots all over him. please help.


Look at the diseased fish thread at the top of this forum, there are pictures of different fish with different diseases. It does sound like ich! Try not to use copper as a treatment, as you will never get it out of your tank, and it will kill invertebrates or corals that you have now or in the future! Also, it is probably stressed being in a 55 gallon tank. It will grow to about 10 inches in length, and it has to have a minimum of 100 gallons to thrive!


Well, Dory didnt make it :(
someone said that the ich is in the tank? how do i get rid of it so my other fish dont get sick too?


Staff member
The yellow tank has black ich, which can be treated with formalin bathes [see FAQ above for the complete procedure]. Can I have you black ich picture for future reference?
The yellow fish, yellow tang, is also emaciate, wasting. Needs a significant improvement in diet. What are you feeding him?
Dory has ich as well all fish exposed to Dory now. Please read the FAQ posts on ich as well as hyposalinity.


Staff member

Originally posted by asdf
dorys are blue hippo tangs not purple tangs

LOL, I thought they were Paracanthurus hepatus
. :thinking:


we are feeding him a frozen food called emerald entree it clearly states that the food is for yellow tangs is there anything else that we could feed him to get him better nourished. beth?


Staff member
That food is a good choice, but he needs more variety. Sheets of Seaweed should be tried as well as at least 1 meal a day consisiting of meaty foods. Feed at least 3X a day for now. Use Zoecon.


Okay, you had two tangs in a 55? Someone correct me if I am wrong, but wouldn't one say that the yellow tang isn't going to make it either unless you get him into a more suitable environment, ie. - a tank of atleast 100 gallons! They are getting stressed, and therefore, getting sick!


Well, we're obviously new to this and bit off a little more than we could chew. I am glad my wife and I have found this forum, so far it has been very helpful. Tomorrow we will be taking a trip to the local book store to buy some books and I might also add, she has not signed off this forum ALL day. We're trying our best and appreciate any and all help you all have provided. Thanks!
Beth--Yes, you may use the picture I took of the yellow tang.


CharlieD, I am so sorry if I came across a little harsh on you. I am letting all of my frustrations out from all of the people who know better, but choose to get fish and put them in situations that they cannot survive in. My best advice that I can give, that I also received when I first started is this. . . . Research, research, research!!! Before you buy anything, make sure your setup is sufficient, that everything in your tank will get along, and you know what it take to keep it alive ( what it eats!!!). If you do these little things first, it will save a lot of heartache later on. Believe me. we have all killed our share of little marine creatures from a lack of knowledge! Our goal is to prevent the massacre from spreading! :D (Just kidding!) Good luck and have fun!


Staff member
Yes, Dory, and other tangs must have lots of room to do some hard swimming. If you saw Nemo, and you obviously did, you would learn this as this is the first statement that dory made! Two tangs need 150.