My Quail and Pheasant pen diary.

coral keeper

Active Member
Just thought I'd make a diary. The Quail/Pheasant pen is almost finished. The only thing I need to do is: make food/water dishes, make nest boxes, and cover the pen with chicken wire then I'm finished!
I already have an egg incubator. Here is a list of Quails/Pheasants I'm thinking of getting: 2 Reeves pheasants(male/female), 2 Lady Amherst pheasants(male/female), 2 Red Golden pheasants(male/female), 2 Chinese Ringneck pheasants(male/female), 2 Mandarin ducks(male/female), Bob white quails(not 100% sure how many), and Pharaoh Quails(not 100% sure on how many). Here are a few pictures of the Quails, Pheasants, and duck.
Reeves pheasants

Lady Amherst pheasants

Red Golden pheasants

Chinese Ringneck pheasants

Mandarin ducks



Active Member
OK, I am not really a bird person at all, but those are some mighty cool looking birds there. Especially the Red Golden Pheasant.
Of course, they all look delicious...


Active Member
I love LOVE the big do they get when full grown?? The pheasants all have beautiful sets of feathers...I miss my birds... Glad to hear that the pen is almost done...


Active Member
I would be worried about all those males fighting and mix breeding unless each species is seperate.

coral keeper

Active Member
Originally Posted by Nw2Salt08
I love LOVE the big do they get when full grown?? The pheasants all have beautiful sets of feathers...I miss my birds... Glad to hear that the pen is almost done...

Yeah, they are soo pretty! Ummm.... here is a quick description about the duck. "The average length for the Mandarin
Duck is between 43-51cm, wings
folded 22.1-22.6cm. They have a tail
length of 10.2-10.4cm and an average
bill length of 27.9mm. In full plumage,
the male Mandarin is the most
beautiful of all ducks." Thanks!

coral keeper

Active Member
Originally Posted by TeresaQ
I would be worried about all those males fighting and mix breeding unless each species is seperate.
Yeah, I'm thinking about that. I'm not sure if they will mix. I'll have to ask a few Pheasant experts.


Active Member
thats really cool. the first pic of the duck doesnt look real at all. haha. they look expensive too. are they?

coral keeper

Active Member
Originally Posted by Kevin34
thats really cool. the first pic of the duck doesnt look real at all. haha. they look expensive too. are they?
Yeah, they sure are pretty!! LOL Yes, the Mandarin duck is the most expensive bird from the bunch I showed above. I'm getting the Mandarin duck eggs for $10 an EGG and that's very cheap as far as the prices go and you won't find them anywhere.

coral keeper

Active Member
Well, I'm almost finished building the pen!! All I need to do now is: build nest boxes and cover the roof with chicken wire!


Active Member
Originally Posted by redsea
I like that Mandarin Duck a lot!

i had mandarin duck for dinner the other night.. oh wait.. that was chinese food...

yet again CK, your animal keeping abilities amaze me...


Active Member
Exactly how much reading have you done on your critters you want to keep?
I know from when my brother was raising chickens which are pretty simple there are a lot of do's and donts I would have never thought of.
What my brother was doing is raising chickens for the feathers. Commercial fly makers were paying for certain feathers from the wings and necks from what I can remember. He was selling the rest of the bird to a mink rancher.
If I were you I would look into the viability of raising some of those birds for the same purpose. How cool would it be if you could get paid for the feathers of the pheasants you were eating.

coral keeper

Active Member
Originally Posted by reefraff
Exactly how much reading have you done on your critters you want to keep?
I know from when my brother was raising chickens which are pretty simple there are a lot of do's and donts I would have never thought of.
What my brother was doing is raising chickens for the feathers. Commercial fly makers were paying for certain feathers from the wings and necks from what I can remember. He was selling the rest of the bird to a mink rancher.
If I were you I would look into the viability of raising some of those birds for the same purpose. How cool would it be if you could get paid for the feathers of the pheasants you were eating.
Yeah, I read alot about them. I used to keep chickens and ducks for about 5 years a few years back, then I took a break and now I'm going to raise Quails and Pheasants.

Really? Hmmmm.... That's a very good idea! Who buys them? Did he ship the feathers to someone or something?