My Raccoon Died


I have a question..can a BTA sting a Raccoon Butterfly enough to kill it..I have a large Raccoon Butterfly that hangs right with my golden stripped maroon clown that host the BTA..This Raccoon will sit on the bottom right near the BTA..It just died tonight and was doin just fine..I just would like to know if a BTA could sting enough to kill it? My water readings are great.My clown is doin excellent.Maybe perhaps it has been stinging it all along?? Had the Butterfly for just about 2 weeks
Temp 82
amonnia 0
nitrite 0
nitrate 10


Active Member
your pH is a bit on the low side.
did you quarantine?
how long was he at the fishstore before you got it?
I suppose it is possible that a BTA could kill a butterfly, but i tend to lean towards that not being the case. have you noticed anything like small discolorations on the body ?


Active Member
Personally, I would say your tank is not established enough to properly house a butterfly or angel. Butterflies and angels should be put into tanks that have been running and established for at least 6 months. Even that is kinda pushing it.


I had ordered that butterfly on the net.Yes it had alot of discoloration on its body..This happened so fast..It was fine all day long. I also would like to know will a yellow tang get along ok with a golden stripped maroon? Thinking about putting a yellow tang in there and just call it good..They all die on me sooner or later.


Active Member
you probably need to slow down a bit.
was the discoloration just the whole fish was darker , which would probably be normal after death, as i am trying to recall i had a raccoon die on me with a very new tank as a newbie. or was it little pin point dark spots, which would indeed indicate stings.
i dont know what your tank size is but that will be a factor. i would say get your water right and quarantine your next fish, hopefully by then your tank will be much more established.
Yes a YT will have no problem with a GSM or any clown assuming the tank is large enough. but YTs can be very aggressive and i would add all your tangs as the last fish in a reef tank.


Yup it was several pin point little black spots all over his body..I say that the BTA stung him alot..But you know what..That Raccoon even if it was getting stung alot..stayed right next to that Maroon Clown and BTA. I thought that fish know enough to stay away?? The aquarium is a 125g FOWLR


Active Member
well that definitely did not help its situation. weather or not that alone killed him is hard to say, but enough of those stings are going to be quite detrimental, so that plus not being an established tank and who knows what else,... isnt a good sign


Active Member
My best recommendation is to just pick specimens that are appropriate for where your tank is (as far as stage of being established).
Fish like blennies, gobies, clowns, pseudos, basslets, cardinals, chromis, hawkfish, wrasses, etc. are all great beginning fish. Start out with a couple from this grouping. Take your time.
Then, after about 6 to 8 months, this is where I would begin to look at your angels, butterflies, tangs, anthias, and some of the more difficult reef fish that do incredibly better when the tank, rock, substrate, and everything is established.