my reborn 54 corner


Active Member
so after an almost complete breakdown/transfer of my 135g and 30g frag tank into my 54 corner, and after some photo lessons, here are some of my newest photos (there is no photoshopping of any sort, as i have no idea as to how to use that program):
yellow yuma

purple and green zoas

orange rics

neon green trumpet


Active Member
Originally Posted by m0nk
I really like the rics!
thanks. me too. and the pics do them no justice


Active Member
here's a fts. in really doesn't represent that tank at all, cause it's really not that blue. i need to work on the camera settings some more.


Active Member
tank is looking nice! nepthia is looking very happy.
the blueish color isnt a bad one for this tank, i think it looks nice.
one suggestion tho, i would point both of those korallias at the rocks / upper half for the SPS, and let the pump return agitate your surface...


Active Member
salt- it's really not that blue. it was the setting on the camera.
jrt- yeah those are both 4's. i took them out of my frag tank. so i went from 85x turnover down to about 50-52x. so much for softies not liking flow. lol.


lol...i was going to say...i have 2 of those in my 90 and i have a hard time finding places to put stuff so that it does not get pounded!!


Active Member
the zoas love the flow, the nepthia is loving it, and the mushrooms appear to not mind it at all.....