My red mushrooms are melting!!


Active Member
I don't know what's going on with my red 'shrooms. In the last 3 days I am losing my whole colony of red 'shrooms. They are just melting. I thought it was getting stung by my BTA so I moved them on the opposite side of the tank but they are still melting. Does anyone knows why? :help: :help: :help: :help: :help:


Active Member
what are your levels? have you changed or added aNYTHING recently? this could include water changes too with a bad salt. any worms, crabs, or nudis that you se espending a lot of time in them?
did you jsut upgrade lighting?


Active Member
I upgraded my tank 3 weeks ago from a 65 with PC's to a 120 with MH. Everything is good. All the other corals are doing great.I don't know why they are just melting away. Few 'shrooms got free from the rock and attached hemselves into another piece of LR are are doing great. What is killing my 'shrooms?


Active Member
I had a Kenya tree on the same piece of LR but I cut it off. Is it possible that the Kenya's stalk is killing them?


Active Member
it is possible how much carbon are you running?
did you acclimate them to MH? if you didnt, they wouldnt have an effect now, but im just wondering if you just made a big jump in it.


Active Member
No I didn't do any type of acclimation. Like I said before 2-3 'shroom felt off the rock and are doing fine. I also have another colony of the same kind closer to the surface and they are doing great. Only the ones on the the original LR are dying!!!


Active Member
it coudl be chemical warfare via the kenyan tree. you might want to run some carbon, and try moving some of them away and see how they do.
i would ssay it is aclimation related, but if you changed lights 3 weeks ago, you would have seen effects sooner...


Active Member
Well they are only two 'srooms left on that rock from an original colony of at least 20.


New Member
Probably due to the move, you pretty much doubled your tank size, which means you basicly did a 50% water change. So losing one coral through this move isn't to bad.
I know this isn't what you want to hear, but this happens sometimes when upgrading. When I moved from a 55 to a 125 I lost my favorite plate coral, everything else thrived after only a month. You will see vast improvement on the rest of your corals. So keep your head up and enjoy.


Active Member
But my question is why only the mother colony is dying? Why aren't the other ones are ok? Is it possible that there is something on the rock that is killing the 'shooms? Are they any predators that kill 'shrooms?


Yes it’s the BTA stung them. Use carbon to remove any chemical warfare that released by the mushroom. The melting will take at 3 to 4 days to go away after moving mushroom. To keep the BTA to stay in one place you need to make an island of rock surround with sands then place the anemone in the rock island. That works for me because BTA does not like to walk over sands


Active Member
That is what I thought. My BTA splitted a week ago and moved near the mushrooms. I also noticed that some zoas near the BTA are close but the other ones of the same colony are fine. :mad: :mad: :mad: