My Red Sea Flasher Wrasse


Originally Posted by mark_D
just outta curiosity... how much did u pay for the little guy?

If I remember right it was marked for $129.99 and I got it for like $69.99, somewhere around there.
Originally Posted by Mr. Guitar

Beautiful fish!!! I've never seen one with that much color in it.
Thanks! That’s still only his juvenile colors. He will color up a lot more than he is now.
Thanks: misty7850 & sleasia


Active Member
By George, I think I have found my new next fish!! I say new next fish, because I seem to always find something that much prettier than the one before. Thanks for sharing, awesome coloring. He truely is a beauty!! ***)


Active Member
I forgot to ask, since you have had him for a while, how is he doing in the reef? Any nibbling on corals? Fighting with other fish, etc...