my red sea xenia photos


Active Member
agreeing that it is not red sea. i have dove the red sea and the two xenia they have there does not look like that. Mr.X portrays the common correct red sea very well.
that is however, a very nice specimen. it has a deeper red to it that is not so common IMO. unless that is just the photo. how much flow do you have in that little corner? and what lighting are you running? calcium doesnt matter so much with these guys but Alk will help them out alot. what is your alk at ?


@ around day 2 I replaced my crused coral with sand (the fine stuff), and my salt was out of whack. Now my ph is 8.3 sg: .025 and temp 79f
i have 260watt pc's over a 55 actinics/12000k
Here's a video do you think the current is too much or not enough?


Active Member
not sure what you are dosing, but it sounds like you are putting in something keep ammonia down because of your sand bed switch? what are your levels at now , after the substrate switch? i wouldnt add anything you cant test for.
i saw that it is on a frag of rock, but why did you not put that frag wedged into your LR? this way the coral can spread and climb onto your LR. it will have a tough time growing with nowhere to go, and rolling around,.


my amm is @ 0 trites @ 0 trates @ 0 i use reef builder and buffer, the only thing i dont have is alk test kit


I LOVE the white fluffy red sea xenia, i just wont add it because i am worried about a take over!! my mushrooms are trying to take over, and i know xenia are ever worse.
either that ot they dierandomly!!!!


just looked at params. ph of 7.8 is really low, needs to be at 8.2-8.3