My reef pics...


New Member
Thought I'd post some pics of my reef,its a work in progress but with all the info gained on this forum shes gettin there!


New Member
Thanks! I've started out getting some corals that were in pretty bad shape at the LFS and trying to nurse them back to health like that bubble. Its got alot of recession but I'm hoping it can regenerate somewhat. When I got it was totally bare,the guy at the LFS just wanted to get rid of it so I offered $3 and it was mine.I hope it makes it.


My buble did the same but went down to 2 spots about the size of a dime and now it is as big as a baseball. I just put it in a area with light current and lots of light.


Did I see a copperband in there? Isn't this a new setup. I got one when mine was a month old and it died within one day!!!


New Member
Thanks for the comments! The tankis pretty weel established and has been up for almost 2 years , it started as FOWLR.I added the copperband about 2 months ago to try and help with an aptasia outbreak I had,it did a great job and cleaned house.It seems to be doing fine and even eats spectrum in addition to its occasinal worm now and then. Other than that I'm trying my hand at softies,clams,and some LPS that needed saving from my LFS.:D


New Member
I'm running 2 ushio 250 MH and 2 URI VHO actinic's from cooltouch lighting. They have turend out pretty good so far,I like the color and crispness alot.