My return Pipe

my way

Active Member
I myself think the return line should be as far away from the intake. the reason for this is so the waterflows across the tank to get to the intake and does not just cycle a small amount from output to intake.If it was me I would have the return along the bottom of the tank on the opposite side of the tank. If you have other pumps or powerheads creating mixing currents in the tank what you have should work fine.


Active Member
Don't forget to add an "anti-siphon" hole near the uppermost portion of the return loop...or you'll develop a reverse siphon (in power out) and end up draining MT down to the level of the lower return outlet...
Which is probably more than your sump can hold...


Active Member
The picture shown here is for the "return" line...from the pump...
When power goes out it can "back" siphon and drain the tank, if not protected by an anti siphon hole to "break" siphon..
When power comes back on...pump starts up and there is no siphon...