My rose is still roaming why?


I've had my rose anemone in my tank for almost 3 weeks now and it is still moving all over my tank. All water parameters are fine and its in a 90 gallon reef with T-5 lighting. The color still looks good on it and i tried feeding today for the first time and it didn't take it. Is it possible that it is normal and still searching for a spot?


Active Member
Of course its possible but now after 3 weeks the question is why... How is your flow? t-5 lights? how many watts and what did the tank have for lighting that it came out of when you bought it? Just a few questions to help you figure out what could be wrong.


Active Member
That could be why... IMO going backwards in lighting takes more time for anenomes to adjust. Its used to MH lighting and you are offering t-5's although t-5 are considerd good lighting for an anenome IMO I dont think you have enough wattage for a tank that size.


Active Member
My blame would go to the lighting... I kept two anemonies under my T-5 lights, but neither of them ever came around to it

Hopefully, you will have better luck than I did.


Sorry to say you do not have enough light for your bta you only have 2.4 watts per gallon. You should add more lights to your tank, maybe try to get around 4 watts per gallon try to get another fixture that puts out another 216 watts. That would give you 432w of lights and that would make it 4.8 watts per gallon. I hope this helps by the way I have mines under one 175w metal halide and 2 24w t5s in a 30gallon tank.


MH to T5 that could be the reason. But before we jump into conclusion, you can try to place your anenome on the top/closer to your light. See if that does the trick. Try to place it and wait until some of the foot attach to LR before you let it go. Please make sure the water flow is not too strong that it blows away from the spot. Good luck.


Active Member
Just remember watts per gal isnt an acurate way to measure your lighting... for the size tank you have doubling the T-5's will prob be sufficient but intensity in the type of light you have is where you need to measure.


I do have t-5 HO just no individual reflectors. The lady at my fish store has a 72 gallon with the same setup as me and she has a rose and a bta for years and she said hers always did fine that is why im having a hard time understanding how i don't have enough light.


Active Member
i wouldn't be to worried. my anemone that came off my anemone carrying hermit when he died still moves every once in awhile. it's probably just finding a spot it likes.


Active Member
You would be fine of the tank was 18" tall.. im guessing its not. So the intensity of the light is being displaced by your tanks depth. Lumens and Par are what is important in measuring light intensity not watts. Unfortunatly its not easy determining if what you have is sufficient with out a light meter. The manufacturers do not list the info you need on the bulbs. However looking at how happy your inhabitants are is a good indicator. A roaming anenome for 3 weeks is not a good sign IMO.


Active Member
Because its not the amount of light thats important, its the intensity of the light when it needs it.
An anenome may not always want light to keep it happy. BTA especially love rock work and will find a nice cozy spot to hide out in where it feels safe and secure. When the need for light calls the anenome will move out strecthing its foot to reach the light as it needs it. This is when its critical that the light source be there for it in the intensity that it needs it.
Remember just because its not in the light all the time doesnt mean its a low light organism. But when its looking for light its important that its there in an intensity strong enough for it.


The lady at the fish store told me that she has the same tank and the same light and she has 2 anemones in her tank and they are fine. I believe her because she helps me out so much and they are a really good LFS they don't sit there and try to make a buck off you. I just don't get it i have the light, the water quality and the flow and it just ain't acting normal yet.


Active Member
I dont doubt for a second your LFS would tell you anything just to make a buck. Please read my above post, you are going backwards with light intensity. Your anenome was already under MH lighting and used to it. Now you placed it under less intense lighting and it is not feeling the intensity it is used too. In time it very well may settle in and take what is given to it. IMO your lighting intensity is lacking but if it finds a spot wayyy up high it may settle down. Its a gamble at this point and there is no way to pinpoint when or if it ever will.