My rose is still roaming why?


Today i went over her house and she showed me her tank setup and sure enough same exact thing like i said i have a very rare LFS around here that actually cares about there customers and ain't all about money.

rod buehle

It may not be lighting at all (but very well could be), It could be 1000 things.. Tell us more about your tank. We know that you have T5s and your water is "perfect"
Lets have some actual readings
pH (early morning reading and late afternoon)
nitrate (amm, and nitrite wouldnt hurt either)
They probably wouldnt matter, but I would also like to hear
Calcium since they can affect ALK and then pH
What other corals/anemones are in the tank?
do you use carbon?
What is providing the flow in your 90
Are you using filters?
I do agree that the t5s that you have are probably not enough.
(maybe if you had the individual reflectors and were overdriving the bulbs with a 660) T5s havent been around long enough for the lady at the fish store to be keeping roses under them for "years"


Temp 79, alk. 3, ph 8.2, no ammonia or nitrates, for corals i have 5 ricordia's, bubble coral, lobo brain, green star polyps, frogspawn and zoos. Calcium is at 425 i don't run carbon for flow i have 2 maxi jet 600's and 590 gph from my return pump and i run a protein skimmer. I know the flow isn't much but there are areas in the tank where the amemone got blown around.