My sabae has jettisoned a tenticle...

Hello everyone, I have a question about an odd behavior from my sabae. Today he cut a tenticle loose and it is floating around my tank...The tenticle is still puffy like the rest, and appers to be closed at the base. It is not deflated or limp, in fact it is quite fat and bouyant...
The sabae is much as 18" across at times. With tentacles about 2 to 5 " It also has a pair of mated perc clowns which have been laying eggs like mad.
The anemone has been healthy and has not moved its foot in over a year.
Is this abnormal? Is this how they propagate? Just wondering if im in trouble or if im gonna have more anemones or what....
Thanks for any assistance/advice


Have you had a change in currant? If a powerhead runs over the top of an anemone and a tentacle gets caught in the currant, sometimes it will spin and spin and spin, and eventually it will break off.
Update: The loose tenticle deflated a few hours later, and was consumed by spaghetti worms.. Sabae appers fine.. It is unlikely that a power head twisted it off as they have been in the same position for years.


Don't they throw tenticles when they are upset? Perhaps something ticked it off and was attempting to defend itself?