My SAd Day


New Member
So this morning i woke up turned on my lights, checked out the fish and all was good. I came home, went to feed the fish and noticed that they looked stressed, did a paramater check and all was good. But i noticed a Scar on my Royal Gramma, in the same size and shape of my Six Lines mouth. The Six Line looked stressed and his mouth was open, like he was Angry. I Feed them and then went to go eat dinner, came back to check on them again. And I found my beloved Six Line DEAD
. He was just laying on the bottom under the rocks on the sandbed WITH all his Fins Flared. So I had to move the rocks and everything to get him out... I am so mad
at the royal Gramma for killing him.

So my question for you all is what kind of Fish should i get to replace my beloved Six Line. And on a happier note, while I was moving my rock back I noticed a Nice white Sponge growing. I am going to post pics
in a bit.


Active Member
I'm doubting the gramma killed the wrasse. Royal Grammas will posture a lot, but a sixline is more than able to fend of a gramma.


New Member
All I know is ever since I put them in the tank they were fighting and the six line was always skiddish of the Royal Gramma.
But here is the pic of the sponge i found growing


i'm sorry. i got rid of my royal gramma after he nearly killed my clownfish. my clown had scales hanging off him from that stupid fish.
i would try to get something that won't compete for territory with the gramma if you plan on keeping him. maybe a blenny or goby that sits more than swims will prevent another attack. of course this is considering the attack was territorial. thats what led to my problem.


New Member
And the Funny thing to me is everything i read says that grammas will stay in a cave or a hole in the rock come out for food. But mine is swimming all the time. I wish i could ketch him and bring him back to the lfs, i wonder if they will take him back. They are the ones who said the two fish will be ok together...
Thanks all


Active Member
I have both these fish and if anything, my 6 line is the more aggressive. And didn't you say the gramma had a hole in it, not the 6 line? I would think that tells you the 6 line was the aggresser here. Maybe the gramma defended his self and fought back when the wrasse tried to hurt him again, so thats self defense.


I had a six line that died suddenly for no reason. One day it was healthy then the next it was dead laying on the sand just the same way you found yours. Mine was the aggresser but only to new tank mates. Did you add the sixline last? If you added the Royal Gramma last then thats most likely why the six line was atacking it, six line's should be added last.


New Member
no i added the six line after the gramma and the gramma was the bigger fish, oh well. Now it is time for new fish