My sailfin tang growth


Active Member
Thought I would share in a few pics of my sailfin's growth over the years. I finally got a decent pic of him. Enjoy.
I only wish I saved the picture of him/her when I first got him in 2004 about the size of a silver dollar. As you can see, his coloring has changed.



Gorgeous:) I just bought my first sailfin last night...mines about the same size as yours was in the first pic, maybe a little smaller.


Active Member

Originally Posted by lietz06
Gorgeous:) I just bought my first sailfin last night...mines about the same size as yours was in the first pic, maybe a little smaller.
Thanks. Good luck with your sailfin. Mine really
likes his algae. I go through quite a bit. I have found that buying from an asian store is much more economical.
jtrzerocool, thanks.....he is really thick also. I would say that he and my coral beauty are the kings of the tank. Nothing new goes into the tank without one of them investigating it within a few seconds.



Active Member
Really nice looking sailfin... I love the tangs in general.... have a sailfin in my frag tank and a yellow tang and a yellow belly blue hippo in my main tank but it's really hard to pick a favorite :)


Active Member
Originally Posted by jackri
Really nice looking sailfin... I love the tangs in general.... have a sailfin in my frag tank and a yellow tang and a yellow belly blue hippo in my main tank but it's really hard to pick a favorite :)
I have to agree with you Jackri, tangs are indeed beautiful fish, as well as have plenty of personality. If only everyone could have a tank big enough to house them! But then, this is probably why they intrigue everyone.


Active Member
I found a pic of him with a barb in his side from the rabbitfish....interesting pic, thought I would share it. My rabbitfish and sailfin are my largest fish, and definately go at it from time to time. Nothing like this has happened again, thank goodness.



I'd imagine that it would indeed only take one poke to make you fairly sure you never wanted a second poke.


Active Member
You are very right about that! I have sat there in front of the tank and watched them interact, the rabbitfish is very quick to erect his dorsal fin, and the sailfin will quickly swim backwards. I was amazed that it seemed to do no harm to the sailfin when the barb was lodged in him. It took about 3 days for the barb to dislodge, and then healed extremely quickly. Not once did he loose his appetite....thank goodness....and as you can see he is in full glory now, just cautious of the rabbitfish.