My sally lightfoot crab needs help


New Member
:help: :help: I found around 9am My sally lightfoot crab's body and legs are stiffen(like cooked crab) but his mouth still moving once or twice in 10 sec he going to die?

he molted twice last month.
all testings are in range.
what is going on?


New Member
Tested at 8am today:
temp 78-80 degrees
pH Test - 8.0
Ammonia Test - 0 milligrams/liter Ammonia-Nitrogen (NH3-N)
Nitrite Test -:0 milligrams/liter Nitrite-Nitrogen (NO-2-N)
Nitrate Test - : 0 milligrams/liter Nitrate-Nitrogen (NO-3-N)
Tank is fish-only 75 gals 2 yrs old. No live rock. Live sand 3inchs deep
8 damsels
picasso tigger
lion fish
They're all heathly and eating ok.
I change 35% water monthly
He is eating ok and active as usual the 2 nights before.
this morning he acting weaker, his mouth barely move once in 3-4 min.
SG could be higher, especially for inverts from what I've read, pH ideal should be up a bit too. I have a Sally and haven't seen it molt, I'm guessing it hides in the LR when it's ready to do this, but it did regenerate a claw and a leg and I never saw it happen.


Active Member
SG at 1.0030 or 1.030 ? the first one would kill all your inverts very quickly, the second is too high and may also be detrimental to their health. it should be 1.025.
pH of 8.0 is on the low side, and should be buffed up to 8.4 , which leads me to believe your alkalinity and calcium is likely slightly off too, so what are those reading at?


New Member
GUYS AND GALS THANK YOU FOR REPLIED...Unfortunely he had rested tonight.

I talked to LFS owner today. He said sally lightfoot only have 5-10 years lifespan.
sg: 1.030
alkalinity: 400ppm
calcium-I don't have test kit for it. never test for it.
Don't trust your LFS guy, sounds like he's making excuses. Was your crab larger than three inches across? I have seen them larger than that in my LFS. Your SG was high and something prolly lead to his demise, your LFS guy is making excuses or selling you geriatric crabs.


New Member
He's maybe 3 1/2 inches across. I fed him shrimps, seaweed and clams. I was told by LFS to keep SG at 1.028 to 1.030 to prevent fishs from getting stress and disease.
I have heard of the highest SG at 1.025 and that's good for inverts. Fish can tolerate lower. Maybe it was old age, how long did you have it? I've never seen mine molt, how often do the do that, have you ever seen their leftover exo? I think mine hides in the rocks to do this. I can't tell what he eats either, he's just pecking at the rock.


Active Member
1.030 is too high. i am not sure if that killed him but it doesnt help. the most normal reef tanks should be at is 1.026.
i do not know how to read into PPMs for alkalinity?? usually it is measured in Meql's or DkH


Active Member
He tested at 8 AM, guys, lower PH, higher SG, right? That's pretty much the norm.
I keep my SG on the high end, also.
I'd be interested in hearing the next readings after 8 hours of lighting.