my salt sucks i need a new one.. what one has awesome chemistry


i thought that was the same as 1.025 just read different..... well u get good results with that... but never seen that salt around here
tropic marin salt or the tropic marin salt PRO-REEF? what one is better and any1 have the readings of mixed of both so we can compare?


Active Member
Tropic Marin Pro-Reef was formulated more for reef tanks with higher Ca, Mg, and other needed elements.
Here's an analogy you might be familiar with:
Instant Ocean is to Reef Crystals, as Tropic Marin is to TM Pro-Reef


lol greaaat so i tried reef crystals and it sucked....... LOL but IO is suppose to be good... u guys are saying tropic marin..... but if i get PRO REEF.... err i dunno i just gotta buy little like 10g packs and mix and test it and see whats good.


Mike just so you know the problem with ANY salt is a quality control issue, just because your first bucket of Xbrand salt was good or bad doesn't mean the next bucket will be good or bad.
I know for a fact that Aquarium pharmaceuticals (makers of IO and --) has had major consistency problems over the years. The other problem is that some synthetic sea salt manufacturers use the same facilities as some of the other ones, or so I've heard. End result is that it is always a crap shoot. Main moral is to always test the first batch out of any salt package purchased to see if it will measure up.


the place i got my salt from just sent out 3 new buckets for me.... and they are doing a pickup of whats left of my 3 buckets here... great costumer service ill let u kno how this batch reads... hopefully RICH in everything