My Saturday morning pt.2

el guapo

Active Member
Well a while back I posted some pictures of my "Saturday" morning activities . Well I finally have a picture of me . This was at today's blue belt roll off . Its basically a tournament put on by the school to promote the students to the next level . This is Me , Rick(me training partner and close friend), Paul Fetta (one of my many coaches), Nate "the great"Marquardt(UFC fighter,and head instructor).

It was an awesome afternoon. One of our instructors(Christian Allen) was promoted from brown belt to black belt . Two other instructors (Paul Fetta and Cody Donovan were promoted to brown belt . Many other were promoted from blue to purple .


Big Congrats EL...I know it takes greatet patience and stamina, and lots of hard work. And BTW, pain too! I see your Trainer Rick has a tatoo up his shin....ouch!!!!

el guapo

Active Member
Originally Posted by jemshores
Big Congrats EL...I know it takes greatet patience and stamina, and lots of hard work. And BTW, pain too! I see your Trainer Rick has a tatoo up his shin....ouch!!!!

Rick and I are actually on the same level . But yeah he is a tough dude . I should be a blue belt but as you can see I have a white and the stripes on the black signify my level inside that rank. I have 3 stripes on it out of 4. But I don't have enough over all time in to be promoted. Weather or not a person is skilled or not they have to put in a certain time at the school. Any time you get promoted is because its long over due .I have been in Jiu jitsu for 5 months and it usually takes at least a year for your first belt promotion . I break up my time at school too . BJJ is only a fraction of what I am there for . I also study kick boxing, wrestling,cardio and MMA principals .

el guapo

Active Member
Here is what a normal weekly schedule looks like for me .Monday
9:00-10:00 MMA black belt level class .
Noon-1:00 BJJ blue belt level class.
1:00-1:30 Randori (supervised full speed jiu jitsu)
5:30-6:30 Cross fit

9:00-9:45 BJJ Blue belt level
9:45-10:00 Randori
5:00-6:00 BJJ blue belt level
6:00-7:00 BJJ purple belt level
7:00-8:00 crossfit

9:00-10:00 BJJ no gi purple belt level class
Noon-1:30 MMA black belt level

5:00-6:00 Randori
6:00-7:00 BJJ purple belt level
7:00-8:00 Crossfit

9:00-10:00 BJJ no Gi purple level
10:00-11:00 randori
noon-1:00 BJJ blue level
1:00-1:30 randori or purple level class
Ususally after this time people will trickle in and I just get it handed to me on the mats .lol

10:00-11:00 BJJ blue level
11:00- noon Randori
Noon-1:00 Wrestling blue belt level
This is just what is scheduled . A lot of the time I will help instructors out with private lessons or I will just be there and pick up some time on the mats with people coming in .
Its really like my home away from home .
On top of this I just signed up for the Amateur fight team which will involve 3 more "manditory" practices a week as well as bumping up the cross fit regiments too .


Active Member
the guy in the first two pics looks like chris daughtry.
is it true if you went to another dojo you would have to start out with the first belt?
my neighbor is going for his i think green belt if thats the one just under black soon.
took him 17 yrs in the marines to get this far.
he said a couple times a year he has to go through conditioning which means getting your ass kicked by a black belt guy for an hour.
the best thing for him is its his job and gets paid to learn .

el guapo

Active Member
Not sure about the green belt , Sounds more like karate to me . I don't know if I would call an hour work out a few times a year conditioning even with a black belt . As part of our fight conditioning we do shark tank drills which consist of a fresh opponent every 2 minutes until you have gone through the team . When we are preparing a fighter for an upcoming bout one of the last things they go through(about a week before a the fight) is called a circle . which basically consists of fresh opponent at the start of each new 5 minute round ,for a regular 3 round fight you spend 6 rounds in the circle . Its designed to push you through the mental/physical wall . I have yet to be in the circle but I have been in the shark tank a few times .


Active Member
the conditioning as he said is to stand in one spot and just let the guy round kick and hit you and just stand there and take it.
no fighting back or moving out of the way.
i could ask him what decipline they study when i talk to him next.
i know its some pretty aggresive stuff since it is used in combat .he has had 4 tours in iraq and afganistan.

el guapo

Active Member
Originally Posted by deejeff442
the guy in the first two pics looks like chris daughtry.
is it true if you went to another dojo you would have to start out with the first belt?
my neighbor is going for his i think green belt if thats the one just under black soon.
took him 17 yrs in the marines to get this far.
he said a couple times a year he has to go through conditioning which means getting your ass kicked by a black belt guy for an hour.
the best thing for him is its his job and gets paid to learn .

Any word from the neighbor ? I'm curious .
Green belt is the third belt, requiring 44 hours of training. This belt signifies understanding of the intermediate fundamentals of the different disciplines. This is the first belt level in which one can become an instructor, which allows him or her to teach tan and grey belt techniques with the power to award the appropriate belt. The prerequisites for this belt include a recommendation from reporting senior, and to be an instructor requires the Marine to be a Corporal or higher.