My scared about my health.Please read....


Active Member
thats why doctors are not professional and they just "practice"
good luck to you i hope everything works out.


Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by scottnlisa
Got my referral to the pulmonagist. It is Nov. 9. In this area, that is really quick to get into a specialist. That has me worried.

This is a good thing. Someone probably canceled, so you got a quick date to see the specialist. Remember they don't know you, have not diagnosed anything, so they have no reason to boost your appointment because it is some kind of emergency.
Worry never cured a single thing. With modern medicine today, the faster you can get the tests, the faster you can find the treatment, be it serious or not. I know it is hard to not worry...but it can actually make you sicker.
I hope you feel better soon, we are here for you and your in our prayers.


Update : I had a PET scan done of my torso. The 1.4 cm mass didn't light up(which is a good thing). My lung specialist has taken cancer off the table reguarding my lung mass. He is not concerned at all about it. I also had a brochoscopy done. I am waiting for the results but he said (we talked after the procedure) that it looks good so far. He scraped my trachea and we are waiting for results.
Now he is going to start concentrating on my lymph nodes. They are still abnormal and this concerns him. I have an appt Wednesday Dec. 2.
Keep ya'll posted.......


Active Member
Originally Posted by scottnlisa
Update : I had a PET scan done of my torso. The 1.4 cm mass didn't light up(which is a good thing). My lung specialist has taken cancer off the table reguarding my lung mass. He is not concerned at all about it. I also had a brochoscopy done. I am waiting for the results but he said (we talked after the procedure) that it looks good so far. He scraped my trachea and we are waiting for results.
Now he is going to start concentrating on my lymph nodes. They are still abnormal and this concerns him. I have an appt Wednesday Dec. 2.
Keep ya'll posted.......
Those are some good findings!! Keep your head up!!