My Screw Up!!! ???????


I know it is my screw up, but I dont want to have to start my cycle over again. I need to get an eggcrate under all my LR, BR and LS. So I need to syphon all of the water out of the tank, take all of the rock out and take all of the sand out. Only to put the eggcrate in, the live rock back in, then the sand back in. Now I have heard this is not a complete system break down as long as I maintain the temps and do it rather quickly (keep everythng submerged most of the time). That the bacteria that is currently covering dead items in snot will still be there. Is this ok?


Active Member
I just changed my cc to LS which is basically the same procedure , i do want to let you know that , it is a long and hard task to do and just to put egg crate under you rocks , its not really worth the effort ...... i beleive the eggcrate is a pointless practice , especially with your 2 1/2 inch sand bed , you have enough cushion there allready that eggcrate will also become a nitrate trap


Active Member
No egg crate in my tank either. Why? Never could be explained to me good enough to convince me. I have a 55. I put in the rock first then the sand. I have no problems.


I am thinking about calling a plastics shop and getting an inch thick piece of acrylic cut to put the rock on. My main concern is the "cells" in the eggcrate creating dead water. Then anything else creating dead sand spots (rock crushing sand - it does happen). 1 inch thick piece of acrylic cut to within 1/16th of an inch of the sides all around = none of those problems and I dont have to worry about my tempered bottom cracking. It would also be cheap. Or I was thinking about some sort of lower weight porous rock that I can have cut to about an inch thick (similar to brick but BIG and thin) that wouldnt weigh that much. Like porous limestone. Something that would also likely be beneficial to the aquarium. The acrylic is most likely going to the best idea though.


Why are you woried about putting rock on the bottom of your tank :notsure: Temperd glass is about 10 times stronger than regular glass it will not break very eaisly unless you plan on droping the rocks from about 5 feet above the tank into it. Don't worry about it cracking. What is the differnce with rock on sand on glass or rock on sand on arcylic?? Thas not going to to anything for you.

sudn rsh

New Member
you migh be able to get the eggcrate in with out removing the sand just push it down in to the sand and move it aorund till it makes its way too the bottom that may work? and you could just move your rock to one side of the tank and do the egg crate in sections and keep most of the water in the tank?


Why is it an issue to have the rock sitting on the sand? And why do you need an egg crate under the sand. I do alot of scuba diving and I have yet to see any egg crates!


Apparently - this is what I have read everywhere - that "pockets" form in an aquarium under the compacted sand that is under the rock (or can). Now in the ocean, the reef really doesnt tend to shift much, and if it does, the current carries anything away almost immediately. Then if I were to use eggcrates, there would not be sand under my rocks sure - but there would also be spots of water where no circulation is getting to. Then I REALLY do not like the sound of the rock on the bottom of my tank. I dont want to scratch it all up and if something should knock it over (the rock), it stands the chance of cracking. Then I thought about 1/4 inch thick acrylic and was worried about water getting underneath of that and getting no water movement to it. So I just thought that i would get it cut as close to the size of the bottom as possible and then sealant the thing together.
It's going to be a longgggggg process, but oh well. I can take it off later and I dont have to worry about a starfish or urchant toppling my rock over (I dont stack it back to the wall - I like to leave room for my snails to get all over the glass) and it smashing into the bottom of my tank at a jagged part.


First off you should put the base rocks in first before the sand to make them more stable and to keep them from shifting form sand digging fish and inverts.
So you don't want any scratches on the botom of the tank that you don't see but you will put glue on the bottom to hold a peice or arcylic to it? And as far as the rock falling over if you have sand on the bottom it will absorde the impact anyway of a falling rock. . If you are going to put acrylic on the bottom you better do all the sides of the tank as well they are not tempred and will crack much eaiser that the bottom and a rock can fall and hit the side just as well. You are worrying to much, Enjoy the hobby.


Active Member
Relax. Take a deep breath. Leave your tank alone. Don't change a thing. Ahh. Isn't that better?


Active Member
i would advise against egg crate. you dont need it if you have sand. a lot of people have their rocks sitting on the glass with no sand or cc( barebottom). theres no need for egg crate, it looks ugly, is a pain, and will probably just trap food and waste and hurt your water level in the same ways cc does.


Active Member
I put just base rocks against the bottom glass and fill with sand around it and placing the live rocks on top of the base rocks, I don't have any problem with it at all! :happyfish


well said everyone, I think this eggcrate issue is just a fad, All my base rock(not live rock) was put directly on the glass with the sand spead around it. My tank is a 75gal and has ben running over a year as s reef tank with no problems. I suggest enjoying what u have.


Maybe I read things backwards. I read that tempered glass was the weakest of glass. Besides, when i was filling my tank, I was adding the rock first. Then i did NOT like the sound that it made when it touched to the bottom. The sound of well.......rock scratching glass. Sure it was probably amplified by like 40 because it was occuring underwater, but who cares, LOL.
My actinics and lunars just came on and I am enjoying the ripple effect on the tank floor. As well as the clownfish trying to swim through the glass into my head. My water has just become crystal clear today. Which is a shame because I am still waiting on 100 pounds of LR to come in. Then i will have to move everything back to thirty gallon for my rock to cure (I will actually probably cure it in a 50 gallon rubbermaid though).


Originally Posted by jonnywater
Maybe I read things backwards. I read that tempered glass was the weakest of glass.
Yep you got it exactly backwards
temperd glass is the strongest of glass by about 10 times that is why they use it on the bottoms of tanks.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Charliewww
Why is it an issue to have the rock sitting on the sand? And why do you need an egg crate under the sand. I do alot of scuba diving and I have yet to see any egg crates!

LOL , i like that