My Seahorse Tank

This tank was first setup at the beginning of last year and served as a quarantine tank for a while. The seahorses where added early this year. We have some turtle grass, some caulerpa, halimeda and some type of eucheuma. In the pictures you can barely see a string of caulerpa and no turtle grass at all. I'll see if I can get some pictures of those.
This tank does not have a strong enough filtration for any type of coral because for the seahorses don’t like strong current and the babies get sucked up in the filter. So I decided to just have seahorses and some snails in this tank.


Originally Posted by newworldfish
This tank was first setup at the beginning of last year and served as a quarantine tank for a while. The seahorses where added early this year. We have some turtle grass, some caulerpa, halimeda and some type of eucheuma. In the pictures you can barely see a string of caulerpa and no turtle grass at all. I'll see if I can get some pictures of those.
I believe these are the plants


Active Member
Originally Posted by krissytool
I believe these are the plants

I knew that
I was just checking to see who was paying attention...yeah that's it