My second try at clowns


I put my two new clowns (false percs) in my tank friday night! They seem happy and alert and they ate right away. I got a fire shrimp and three peppermints. The fire shrimp is quite the roamer but my peppermints are really shy. I caught my fire shrimp jumping on my hermits this morning and was wondering if I should be worried or is he just goofing around? My clowns explorers a lot, unlike my first pair that died on me two days after I got them. They're my first fish inhabitants and I can't decide what to get next so I'm for suggestions!
Oh, pics are on there way....I hope they're not camera shy.


Active Member
cute little guys. good looking tank too. blue/green reef chromis 3-5-7 of them would look cool as they school together. gobies, cardinals etc would be nice.


I was just checking out the dottybacks and I really like the royal dottyback. There's something in me that seems to think it's aggressive like damsel. How would it do in a 55g? Would it be an okay fish to put in third or should I to ad a few different ones first?


"I was just checking out the dottybacks and I really like the royal dottyback. There's something in me that seems to think it's aggressive like damsel"
Just be sure it is a dotty and not a Bicolor Psudochromis the bicolor is aggressive and very similar in appearance many LFS miss label them.


Active Member
Originally Posted by SK8R_DAVE
It looks to me like one's a perc and the others a common clown
nope, both the same