My semi-new reef tank...


25 gallon tall
Current Satellite 2x65w Power Compacts
CPR Bak-Pak 2 skimmer
Fluval 204 canister filter w/ surface skimmer
maxi jet powerhead
About 40+ lbs live sand
40+ lbs live rock
Not using heater right now (but have 200w submersible)
Maroon Clown
Yellow belly Damsel
Yellow Damsel
Yellow back damsel
Lawnmower Blenny
2 Cleaner shrimp
Kenya trees
tonga mushrooms
green star polyps
white star/pink star polyps
zoos w/ few clove polyps
Pulsing Xenia
Cabbage Leather
Yellow Polyps
I don't use a lot of additives, only ph buffer, essential trace, phytomax. The rest I just rely on water changes and I use tap water which has a lot of calcium. This tank has only been up for a little over a month because the cycle only took 7 days. (Thanx to biozyme :) lol)
Let me know what you guys think and what else I could add (Corals).


Active Member
Thats awesome. very nice. How about some more ricordeas and zoanthids? Maybe a brain coral.


That's what I was thinking, I wanted to buy this good size red brain coral. are they pretty easy to take care of though? I want some blue or red mushrooms, maybe red or blue zoanthids. but i was really thinking bout that brain coral. Someone was selling theirs for 20 bucks and it's pretty good size (maybe about 5x3 inches). Should I get it?


Active Member
i think the brain coral would do good in your tank. they dont need much care, just need to be spot fed once or twice a week.


That's what I was worried about. I wasn't sure If I should stock up because...
1. My tank isn't really considered mature yet
2. Another heat wave might be coming down again (I'm in Norcal)
At the same time, this hobby could be very addicting and you just find yourself inside the petstore or buying stuff from people all the time.
But that's what I was thinking, maybe wait a little more, at least when temp starts to be more stable here. At least I now know what to get when I'm ready.
Do you guys think I can keep some kind of sps? Someone told me I could keep digi and moni. What do you guys think?
Oh yeah thanx by the way for everyone's comments and suggestions.


Thanks a lot. I know I have to be more patient. Do you think I'm done with fish though? My friend is giving away his hawkfish and I'm not sure if I could house it. I feel like I have enough fish, but I would hate to see his hawkfish go. By the way do you guys think I could keep some sps or clams in my tank?


That's pretty far, I'm in east bay area (close to oakland) and that's about few hours drive from you. Do you have any picture of your tank?