25 gallon tall
Current Satellite 2x65w Power Compacts
CPR Bak-Pak 2 skimmer
Fluval 204 canister filter w/ surface skimmer
maxi jet powerhead
About 40+ lbs live sand
40+ lbs live rock
Not using heater right now (but have 200w submersible)
Maroon Clown
Yellow belly Damsel
Yellow Damsel
Yellow back damsel
Lawnmower Blenny
2 Cleaner shrimp
Kenya trees
tonga mushrooms
green star polyps
white star/pink star polyps
zoos w/ few clove polyps
Pulsing Xenia
Cabbage Leather
Yellow Polyps
I don't use a lot of additives, only ph buffer, essential trace, phytomax. The rest I just rely on water changes and I use tap water which has a lot of calcium. This tank has only been up for a little over a month because the cycle only took 7 days. (Thanx to biozyme lol)
Let me know what you guys think and what else I could add (Corals).
Current Satellite 2x65w Power Compacts
CPR Bak-Pak 2 skimmer
Fluval 204 canister filter w/ surface skimmer
maxi jet powerhead
About 40+ lbs live sand
40+ lbs live rock
Not using heater right now (but have 200w submersible)
Maroon Clown
Yellow belly Damsel
Yellow Damsel
Yellow back damsel
Lawnmower Blenny
2 Cleaner shrimp
Kenya trees
tonga mushrooms
green star polyps
white star/pink star polyps
zoos w/ few clove polyps
Pulsing Xenia
Cabbage Leather
Yellow Polyps
I don't use a lot of additives, only ph buffer, essential trace, phytomax. The rest I just rely on water changes and I use tap water which has a lot of calcium. This tank has only been up for a little over a month because the cycle only took 7 days. (Thanx to biozyme lol)
Let me know what you guys think and what else I could add (Corals).