My set up - Advice needed - WARNING long!!



I purchased a "group" of fish last night for my tank. As some of you know, I bought a tank with a few fish from someone here in town and moved it to my house. I got rid of the 3 fish that came with the tank and I had to work on getting the nitrates down and the ammonia was also up for a few days. Everything has been looking good for a week now so I figured I could get some fish. I got a really good "package deal" but now I'm afraid I have an overstocked tank.
Here is what I have in there now
1 Yellow Tang (I know, don't say it) 1 Hippo Tang (2-3 inches) one small Pearlscale, one small Koran, 2 Percula Clowns, 2 cleaning shrimp, 1 Sally Lightfoot Crab, 1 Emerald Crab and 1 Green Brittle Starfisn.
I have another 55 gallon that we were going to sell but It has everything to set up a second saltwater tank so I've decided to do two tanks. I still need to get some more rock and some sand for the second tank and cycle it.
Currently I have a 20 gallon Quarentine tank, the 55 gallon display tank and the other 55 gallon that hasn't been set up or cycled yet. In a few months I plan to purchase a much larger tank and "combine the two 55's to house the bigger fish and the reef, and keep the other 55 to house a Trigger and Lionfish
For now, this is what I'm working with.
ok, now you have some background...
What I'd like to know, is how I should separate the livestock I have now? I'd like to do a reef tank in one for sure, and once I get the second tank up, I'd like to look into purchasing a Picasso Trigger and a Lionfish if that is a possibility, then I'm done with fish. I know the Trigger and Lion aren't safe for a reef tank so they are obviously going to be in the 55 gallon. Which of the fish I have now would work in the 55 with the Lion and the Picasso Trigger? Which would do well in a reef tank?
Any advice would be appreciated. I know I have a lot of livestock but for $100 for everything I just couldn't pass them up.
Here is a pic of my display tank.


Active Member
Both a Picasso Trigger and a Lionfish, unless you are talking about a fuzzy dwarf, will be way too big for a 55. There is also a VERY good chance that any trigger, but especially a Picasso, will kill your Lion. Trust me, I've had it happen.


Active Member
not sure if they would work, but the angel would probably have to go with the aggressive tank because they are not reef safe.


Here is your dilemma as best I can tell.
(Large tank in below statements refers to a 6ft tank)
Yellow tang - Requires large tank
Blue Hippo - Requires large tank
Koran Angel - Requires large tank (Not reef safe)
Picasso Trigger - Requires large tank. Very aggressive
Lionfish - Aggressive
The usual problem is that to have an aggressive only tank you pretty much need to have a larger sized tank. It is unfortunate but that is how is works out.
No matter how you look at it the Koran is going to be an issue. If you get a bigger tank and put him in there he wont be safe for a reef. What I would do is sell the Koran. Put your tangs and the rest of the fish in the new bigger tank and make it a reef. You could possibly get away with having a lesser aggressive triggerfish as well. Either a blue throat trigger or a niger trigger. (Even then there is a chance the triggers wont be reef safe. The trigger also wouldnt be invert safe so this would be another consideration) You would also have to scrap the idea of the lionfish as well then.
My best recommendation would be to do a lot of research before you proceed any further. Forcing yourself to purchase new tanks quickly to house livestock is not really a good thing. Unless of course you have the funds, time and resources to accomplish it. There is lots of good information in both the Reef and Aggressive fish sections on this website. I would do some reading there to help you make good decisions.
By the way. I completely understand your thinking about getting all of the fish at the same time especially when you thought it was a great deal. However, I found that impulse buying will get me in trouble. I have also read a lot of stories on here which have the same conclusion. Best of luck setting up the new tank.