my set up good or bad????


New Member
ok ppl i have a 55gal. i just set it up i only have fresh water in it to test my gadgits, im using a 350 magnum canister, 2 pro 30 bio wheels, 3 212 power heads w/auto swivel nozzles. this is going to be a LS,F,& LR tank.
ok here is my set up...standing in front of my tank my inlet & out to the canister is in the right in the back.
my 3 power heads are on the left side pointing to the filter sys 1 is at the top left corner, next is in the middle and the last is in the bottom left corner running diag. across the left side of the tank
i have a 900 air pump running a buuble bar across the rear of the tank (the wife want bubbles) i have a protein skimmer where should i put it ? ohhh by the way i will be using a 4" deep sand bed?
any comments ??
Thanks Kenny


New Member
ok then ill try to make this easy Right now i have a nice rippling water top. do i keep the powerheads the way i have them or should i move them?? I really want to get this tank filled with ls & salt water so i can let it cycle (cocktail shrimp not to worry i wont be the killer of inisent live stock I HOPE!!) And most of all i want to do this right .... ive been doing freash water tanks now for about 15yrs ive done all i can do looking for a new challenge
(yes and i still have my 275gal. freash water wouldnt trade it for the world
PS i have read the books but its nice to hear ya'lls op to most all the books say the same thing lol (but different):rolleyes:


Active Member

Originally posted by Southerntank
my 3 power heads are on the left side pointing to the filter sys 1 is at the top left corner, next is in the middle and the last is in the bottom left corner running diag. across the left side of the tank

Sounds nice so far. The only comment I have is on your power head placement. Typically the power heads are placed in the back corners of the tank (one or more on each side) with the water flow directed toward the front glass at an angle. This will cause the current to swirl instead of go in a straight line.
Good luck,


I would have to second the suggestion on splitting the powerheads up and angled toward the front. Also, a bubble bar is going to give you salt creep like you wouldn't believe. It is not needed. If you plan on keeping a bubble bar, you will be constantly cleaning salt off the lights and the top. Just my thoughts.


I agree, move the powerheads around so you don't have a whirlpool effect. I also have a bubble bar on my tank, and have to deal with the salt creep, but, my wife and kids like the way it looks, and the more involved they are, the more stuff I can buy for THEIR enjoyment :)


New Member
thanx ppl. for the info ill see what i can do.
but my powerheads have an automatic side to side sweep
thats why i put them at one end of the tank diag. from top to bottom hopeing that sense they are not in perfect time with each other that it would give different current patterns.
I think maybe that was a better analalgy of what i was getting at so im not sure if even moving them would make a diff. or not:confused: and thanx again for all your help:) i really hate to be a bother
Should i buy fixed nozzle PH's or try these??


i would just keep the power heads you have. i have heard that eventually they stop sweeping back and forth and just stay in one position. dont know if thats true or not, just what i have heard..
I agre.. I have the sweping PH... I bought one of them,, that darn thing stopped moving side to side in about a week... So now it is stationary! If you have the BOX.. return it for a regular one..:D :D Otherwise sounds good...
Oh and with the bubbles... to help out the salt creep, get a plastic OR glass piece and secure it above the bubble bar and the salt should collect on that(more) and you can remove it and clean f often... may help