My shark egg


Active Member
I have had it for like 2 months now my bamboo shark egg and they said it was going to hatch in like 2months, but it seems like its taking 4ever, man o man, how do u know when its about to hatch? It's still alive i can tell that its moving cause i can see it, but what are some signs of it hatching?


How long it takes really depends on how old the egg was when you purchased it. The time also depends on water temp. The best way I have found to tell when your close is to look at the yolk. When it's gone the egg is about ready to hatch


Shine a flashlight on it and check it out. Mine had trouble getting out, so I just shipped the end a lil bit and it shot out. Sometiems they have trouble get out.


Active Member
Dont really mean to pry, or flame, but I kind of hope it doesnt hatch. I think the quality of life would be better for the animal if is doesnt have to endure that environment.

jimmy g

you must be one sad sole, I mean come just got a user name and its only a matter of time your never going to be welcome back here.....hehe, I can tell I wouldnt like you anyways :)


Active Member
Whoever arab was, and whatever he said, probably didnt understand this shark is going to be hatched into a 50 gallon REEF tank with no talks of upgrading. There have been a lot of replies on a few threads about this. I know I sounded cruel, but considering the alternative, I think that would be better for the shark. I probably should have bit my tongue, once again, but I know a lot of you feel the same as I do about having an immense responsibility when deciding to keep elasmobranchs. If any research has been done by the owner in this case about them, he understands what is at stake here. Shame on him. If no research has been done and he doesnt realize what hes getting into, thats even worse. The care of these animals is nothing to take lightly. People need to be informed and prepared enough to house these animals. Like Ive said in the past, the lack of respect being shown in this forum lately for these animals sickens me. Anyone care to give me the "Cliff's Notes" on what he said?


Active Member
omg i think it is going to hatch any day soon. i was cleaning my tank and i dont seee any yoke left and it looks pretty big in that egg now. when it hatches i will put pics on the forum of it