My shark


Well I'm not certain he is actually going to upgrade either but my main point is that the people from that other thread that were flaming/arguing with him were using the arguement that the shark NEEDs a bigger tank RIGHT NOW which isn't the case at all. Thats basically what I'm trying to say here, he doesn't sound like the most responsible shark keeper IMO(I believe in another thread he said that he would have bought a nurse as well as the bamboo but the lfs said it would eat everything in the tank or something like that).
It was not my intention to flame you, or even to cause you more problems. I added the quotes to help the post make sense. The statement at the bottom of that post is mainly I was hoping that you indeed intened to upgrade you tank.
by Snakes'n'fish I hope the post you made here in the aggressive forum is true and the one from photograghy false. But That is all I can do.
Nice banded , need a bigger tank.
No flaming or causing problems just a hope that you will indeed upgrade.


Active Member
This thread has gone nowhere but down. Saltfisher, I think we all agree you have a very beautiful fish, you just need to upgrade (180) down the road. Bo