my shrimp has eggs!


Active Member
i have 3 cleaner shrimp and one of them has neon green colored eggs between the middle of the body and the tail! ive herd that most to all will die. what are the chance of just 1 becoming the size of an adult?
oh and i have tons of corals,a formosa wrasse and a damsel. and a super strong protein skimmer. + power head.


Congrats on being a daddy!
Although I am a newbie to the hobby, my best guess would be to move her to your QT tank or fuge and see what happens.
sweet i had a shirmp that was preg too. i saw a person say that none were going to live but i had so much coral that not one can live i would hope that at least one would survive. but to answer ur Q im not sure.


I'll be watching this thread - I have two cleaners that are caring eggs and one of them had them hatch last night - the tank was full of lil (barely visible until you put a flashlight on them - then they would swarm in to the flashlight beam).
I shut down my skimmer and the recalculation pump and power heads last night to let them settle to the bottom - Turned on the pump back on this morning and plan on starting the PH's back up tonight - Figure I will leave the skimmer down a week or so and see how it goes....... No one has said to do it this way - but in my tank the current will easily carry them to the sump and way I seen it between the wet/dry and skimmer they would have very very little chance......


I found out today that what I thought was a male cleaner shrimp, is indeed a female..and shes got a belly full of eggs!!!

It must be shrimp breeding season with all of the posts in this regard!!!